i know many of you think it's absurd to hear that a lot of your prime food source is poisonous to you, but here is a video since i like passing on information whether you like to hear it or not
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yeah...i see where you're coming from and I agree to a point.....and I will definitely look more into it (I eat a fair amount of soy products). I've learned though to take info with a grain of salt because like I said before, things are so often disproven. I wonder if people can be soy intolerant, just like how so many are lactose intolerant? Maybe it's worse for some people and doesn't affect others at all. Hmm...something else to look into. But for now, since entire nations eat this stuff, I'm going to continue my 5 or so servings of soy per week, but if any concrete evidence pops up, I'll rethink that decision.
It's depressing because I stopped eating animals to improve my health and help decrease the animal cruelty on this planet, but the products I'm using instead of meat products are potentially worse!!
I guess this sort of thing should be judged on a case-by-case basis. I think that I would rather consume soy products with some risk than go back to eating meat products, which are linked to heart disease, cancer, animal cruelty, etc. That's just me though. To each his own.
I just really feel sorry for vegans if what that doctor is saying is true....
Sorry if this is rambly...working on very little sleep here :p
soy intolerance could be similar to lactose intolerance with the perspective that soy, just like pasteurized lactose/milk products should NEVER be consumed. certain people have intolerances and allergies to it because no one should eat it.... much like shellfish, as i believe no one should eat those either. shellfish are bottom feeders and oceans are very polluted.
pasteurization kills many things, and i've read that people who can't tolerate conventional lactose can actually consume raw milk products without a problem.
i do believe that eating organic soy products like tofu and soy milk are much worse than eating organic milk products, based on my research. it dpeneds on your stance though... do you not eat animal products because of animal rights or health? i fight animal rights activists to be a lot more thick headed.
i don't think you should have to choose between soy and animal products, as for a long time i've been vegan without eating soy products and felt phenominal. i do believe that organic soy is much worse than organic grass fed beef, for example. i don't think that chicken is that beneficial is it is fed grains like corn and soy, which are grains i avoid entirely. cows for example were never meant to eat grain, and that causes problems for them and added body fat... it's just so they bulk up and stuff, so that farmers have a bigger product yield. similarly, i agree that humans were not meant to eat grains like corn and soy. this can go on to say that other grains should also be avoided, if not all. i've done other research regarding that too. i believe seeds to be ok, but grains, not so much. i avoid bread, wheat, corn, soy and other grains when i can. i eat seeds and nuts.
heart disease and issues surrounding saturated fats are so plentiful. i could get into it, but something that needs to be considred is trans fats vs. saturated fats, as raw saturated fats are fine unless you heat them over their smoking point, and animal fats have a low smoking point.
i do believe what he's saying is true, as i've read many times before that soy is bad, in other research, in books and online. so many vegans are uneducated on health matters and believe everything those peta sites have to say. peta was my first source of infromation too, as most vegans are convinced by peta. i was convinced at first with soy but then i looked into it. never again, that's for sure. i believe that peta and their followers are under-educated regarding health matters, and are way too concerned about animal activism. yes, saving animals is important, as i don't believe they should be tools of consumerism, but in fighting for their rights, many fail to acknowledge their own health.
ok...so if you're vegan...can you tell me what you eat? like what would an average day's menu be like for you? I'm not vegan (though I've tried a few times) but I've not eaten meat products for a decade. I find that the best replacements tend to be soy products and I don't know where else to turn..
yes, peta is retarded, and quite ignorant when it comes to health.
since i became vegan i've been eating a lot, which is absolutely necessary so that you have your calories up. no bread. rice and legumes are good... moreso legumes and rice, as rice tends to be a filler. lots of varied raw vegetables. raw grains if possible... like, raw cracker things made of grains, and i'd make my own pates/dips like hummus, and others out of raw soaked sunflower seeds and raw soaked walnuts. i'd make my own almond milk.. eat it with raw oat groats that i soaked, add fruits. this is all in no particular order. i'd eat a lot and all organic. soy is low quality food, and low nutrient, especially processed soy foods. seitan is acceptable, and good. especially healthy if you make your own out of organic ingredients. i still have to experiment with this recipe i have. and i love to indulge in sweet stuff like new moon kitchen cookies and other vegan cakes that do not have soy milk or soy lecithin in them. i can't remmeber what else... i would never ever eat fake yoghurt and fake cheese. you're just messing with your body if you do that, if you're gonna do that at least get the real thing. it tastes better and is better for you than the soy immitations. raw milk cheese can be a really addition to your diet if you have a craving for cheese-like substances. it won't trick your body into believing it's cheese, which will fuck with your digestion, and it's cured, so you don't have those fears that many people have about bacterial contamination, but it is not tainted as it has not gone through pasteurization. raw milk cheese is harder to find than not, and once again, it should be from organic cows.
i'm now in madrid, spain. organic food costs a lot more here and i refuse to go conventional and eat lower grade vegetables and fruit and legumes and stuff, especially in a country that is not my own that is more polluted than mine, so i must include organic animal products in my diet to keep my calories up and not suffer malnutrition. i eat organic free range eggs and on occasion organic raw milk cheese. i've tried the meat route too, but it is very unsatisfying. and fish is loaded with heavy metals, and i bought farmed fish one time thinking it'd be just fine, and it wasn't, and i felt sick. it doesn't happen when i eat wild fish, but the heavy metal concentration in the fish is still something that i'm not willing to cope with, especially since i don't take any detox heavy metal cleansing supplements while i am here in spain. when i go out for food at a restaurant i always get vegan food (which is really hard to find) unless i am at an organic restaurant, then i might get something made with eggs or something.
when i get back to toronto and i have my own appliances to facilitate my desired raw vegan lifestyle, or at least raw food lifestyle, then i will be back in my niche and able to get back to the way things were. i refuse to settle for conventional food, which is why i eat organic. i am not an animal activist, but i don't buy leather products as i feel the same way i did about that when i was vegan.
It's depressing because I stopped eating animals to improve my health and help decrease the animal cruelty on this planet, but the products I'm using instead of meat products are potentially worse!!
I guess this sort of thing should be judged on a case-by-case basis. I think that I would rather consume soy products with some risk than go back to eating meat products, which are linked to heart disease, cancer, animal cruelty, etc. That's just me though. To each his own.
I just really feel sorry for vegans if what that doctor is saying is true....
Sorry if this is rambly...working on very little sleep here :p
pasteurization kills many things, and i've read that people who can't tolerate conventional lactose can actually consume raw milk products without a problem.
i do believe that eating organic soy products like tofu and soy milk are much worse than eating organic milk products, based on my research. it dpeneds on your stance though... do you not eat animal products because of animal rights or health? i fight animal rights activists to be a lot more thick headed.
i don't think you should have to choose between soy and animal products, as for a long time i've been vegan without eating soy products and felt phenominal. i do believe that organic soy is much worse than organic grass fed beef, for example. i don't think that chicken is that beneficial is it is fed grains like corn and soy, which are grains i avoid entirely. cows for example were never meant to eat grain, and that causes problems for them and added body fat... it's just so they bulk up and stuff, so that farmers have a bigger product yield. similarly, i agree that humans were not meant to eat grains like corn and soy. this can go on to say that other grains should also be avoided, if not all. i've done other research regarding that too. i believe seeds to be ok, but grains, not so much. i avoid bread, wheat, corn, soy and other grains when i can. i eat seeds and nuts.
heart disease and issues surrounding saturated fats are so plentiful. i could get into it, but something that needs to be considred is trans fats vs. saturated fats, as raw saturated fats are fine unless you heat them over their smoking point, and animal fats have a low smoking point.
i do believe what he's saying is true, as i've read many times before that soy is bad, in other research, in books and online. so many vegans are uneducated on health matters and believe everything those peta sites have to say. peta was my first source of infromation too, as most vegans are convinced by peta. i was convinced at first with soy but then i looked into it. never again, that's for sure. i believe that peta and their followers are under-educated regarding health matters, and are way too concerned about animal activism. yes, saving animals is important, as i don't believe they should be tools of consumerism, but in fighting for their rights, many fail to acknowledge their own health.
ok...so if you're vegan...can you tell me what you eat? like what would an average day's menu be like for you? I'm not vegan (though I've tried a few times) but I've not eaten meat products for a decade. I find that the best replacements tend to be soy products and I don't know where else to turn..
since i became vegan i've been eating a lot, which is absolutely necessary so that you have your calories up. no bread. rice and legumes are good... moreso legumes and rice, as rice tends to be a filler. lots of varied raw vegetables. raw grains if possible... like, raw cracker things made of grains, and i'd make my own pates/dips like hummus, and others out of raw soaked sunflower seeds and raw soaked walnuts. i'd make my own almond milk.. eat it with raw oat groats that i soaked, add fruits. this is all in no particular order. i'd eat a lot and all organic. soy is low quality food, and low nutrient, especially processed soy foods. seitan is acceptable, and good. especially healthy if you make your own out of organic ingredients. i still have to experiment with this recipe i have. and i love to indulge in sweet stuff like new moon kitchen cookies and other vegan cakes that do not have soy milk or soy lecithin in them. i can't remmeber what else... i would never ever eat fake yoghurt and fake cheese. you're just messing with your body if you do that, if you're gonna do that at least get the real thing. it tastes better and is better for you than the soy immitations. raw milk cheese can be a really addition to your diet if you have a craving for cheese-like substances. it won't trick your body into believing it's cheese, which will fuck with your digestion, and it's cured, so you don't have those fears that many people have about bacterial contamination, but it is not tainted as it has not gone through pasteurization. raw milk cheese is harder to find than not, and once again, it should be from organic cows.
i'm now in madrid, spain. organic food costs a lot more here and i refuse to go conventional and eat lower grade vegetables and fruit and legumes and stuff, especially in a country that is not my own that is more polluted than mine, so i must include organic animal products in my diet to keep my calories up and not suffer malnutrition. i eat organic free range eggs and on occasion organic raw milk cheese. i've tried the meat route too, but it is very unsatisfying. and fish is loaded with heavy metals, and i bought farmed fish one time thinking it'd be just fine, and it wasn't, and i felt sick. it doesn't happen when i eat wild fish, but the heavy metal concentration in the fish is still something that i'm not willing to cope with, especially since i don't take any detox heavy metal cleansing supplements while i am here in spain. when i go out for food at a restaurant i always get vegan food (which is really hard to find) unless i am at an organic restaurant, then i might get something made with eggs or something.
when i get back to toronto and i have my own appliances to facilitate my desired raw vegan lifestyle, or at least raw food lifestyle, then i will be back in my niche and able to get back to the way things were. i refuse to settle for conventional food, which is why i eat organic. i am not an animal activist, but i don't buy leather products as i feel the same way i did about that when i was vegan.
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