I'm not an organizer, just a recipient of their newsletter (and going to be starting queer prenatal classes this weekend), but thought I'd pass this information along
1. DON’T MISS! Up for Discussion: Becoming a Powerful Parent: What queer parents should know about the Toronto school system: Wed. January 19
2. SIGN UP NOW. Queer and Trans Family Plannings: March 18 - 20, 2011
3. Call for Submissions! Design a NEW family tree exercise for the LGBTQ Parenting Network’s Family Day Contest
4. Save the Date: Family Day Celebration - Mon. Feb 21
5. NEW Transitioned Moms Support Group
6. NEW! Toronto Gay Men Who Want To Be Dads Social Group
7. NEW! Parenting a child with special needs?
8. Gender Independent & Kids of Queers TDSB Groups
9. LGBTQ Parents of Multiples Support Network
10. Richmond Hill Women’s Support Group
11. Creating Our Families - Call for participants from under-represented groups.
1. DON’T MISS! Up for Discussion: Becoming a Powerful Parent: What queer parents should know about the Toronto school system
January 19, 2011, 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Sherbourne Health Centre, 333 Sherbourne St.
2nd Floor
Are you a queer parent with children in elementary school? Do you have children who will soon be starting school? Come learn some basics about how the system works, get tips on how to navigate your way through the system in the day-to-day and when you or your child has a problem, and talk with educators, lawyers and other parents about how we can use our power as parents to make schools better and safer places for our children.
• What basic information should you know about how the school system works?
• Who’s in charge of what?
• How do you judge how queer positive a particular school is?
• What can you do if your child is being bullied or harassed?
• What happens when parental conflicts get played out at school?
• How do we make positive change in the school system by harnessing our
power as queer parents?
Food and beverages will be provided.
For more information and to pre-register for childcare, contact mtamaki@sherbourne.on.ca.
2. NEW! Queer and Trans Family Plannings: March 18 - 20, 2011
A new course for people of diverse family structures and identities
to explore some of the practical, emotional, social and legal issues involved when thinking about becoming a parent.
You may identify as one or more of the following: genderqueer, trans, bisexual, poly, pan or omni-sexual, dyke, butch, femme, boi, lesbian, gay, queer or other, or be partnered with any of the above. This course builds on the information and resources currently offered in Dykes Planning Tykes, Daddies & Papas 2B and Trans-Masculine People Considering Pregnancy.
Course content will include issues related to pregnancy, adoption, surrogacy, co-parenting, and family law, explored through presentations, panels, and small group discussions.
Cost: $75 / person. Sliding scale available on request.
Registration is done on a first-come, first-served basis. To register, please see or call Karin or Nicole at The 519 Community Centre’s Front Desk: 416 392 6874.
Course times: Fri. March 18 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Sat. March 19 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sun. March 20 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
For more information about this, or any of our other family planning courses, contact:
Chris Veldhoven, Queer Parenting Programs, The 519; 416 355 6780,
Queerparenting@the519.org or
Rachel Epstein, LGBTQ Parenting Network, Sherbourne Health Centre,
416 324 4100, ext 5219; parentingnetwork@sherbourne.on.ca.
Queer and Trans Family Planning(s) is a joint program of Queer Parenting Programs (The 519 Community Centre) and the LGBTQ Parenting Network (Sherbourne Health Centre).
3. Call for submissions - Design a NEW family tree exercise for the LGBTQ Parenting Network’s Family Day Contest
The Queering the Family Tree Poster was inspired by stories from children in LGBTQ families about the “Family Tree” exercises they do in school. Family Tree forms generally assume that all children live in conventional, nuclear families, and offer fill-in-the-blank spaces for “Grandfather-Grandmother, Mom-Dad, Siblings.”
This year, as part of our celebration of Ontario’s Family Day, the LGBTQ Parenting Network invites you to redesign and reinvent the family tree exercise!
What would you propose as a NEW family tree exercise?
Send us your ideas for a NEW and DIFFERENT family tree exercise for grade school classrooms (for kids from JK - Grade 6). The explanation/design for the exercise should fit on a single 8 ½ x 11” (letter sized paper) page. We encourage you to think outside the box. Exercises can be written or non-written, and can include art, songs or other activities.
Have fun! Be creative! Come to our Family Day Event on Monday, February 21, 2011 (10:30 am - 1:00 pm) to see the family tree exercises that have been submitted.
Entries can be submitted by email to parentingresources@sherbourne.on.ca
Or by mail to: LGBTQ Parenting Network, Sherbourne Health Centre
333 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON, M5A 2S5
Here’s a link to a poster about the contest. Please share with your friends, put it on bulletin boards, circulate!
4. Family Day Celebration - Save the Date - Monday, February 21
Looking for something fun to do for you and your kids on Family Day? Plan to join us at a Family Day celebration at the Sherbourne Health Centre, 10:30 am - 1:00 pm, February 21, 2011. Check out the ideas submitted for the Family Day contest, participate in games, face painting with Buttercup and family portrait arts and crafts with Willow Dawson. More details to follow.
5. NEW Transitioned Moms Support Group
Calling all female-identified* parents/moms
(*with transsexual/transgender/trans history, medical issues or background)
Are you a parent or mom, either before, after or during transition?
Do you sometimes feel like the role you play in your child's life is not recognized?
Are you interested in getting together with others with similar experiences once a month?
Would you like to share your story/struggles/joys and broaden your support network?
This new support group will have its first meeting at The 519, 519 Church Street, on January 22, 2011, from 2 - 4 pm.
If you have any questions, contact: rosalyn.forrester@gmail.com
6. NEW! Toronto Gay Men Who Want To Be Dads Social Group
The Toronto Gay Men Who Want To Be Dads social group, (we're still working on a shorter name), a group for gay men who want to have kids one day. The plan is to meet about once a month in an informal setting to chat with other like minded guys and share the joys and challenges of wanting to start a family one day.
To sign up and find out more check out our Meet Up Page:
http://www.meetup.com/Toronto-gay-men-who-want-to-be-dads/ Or find us on Facebook.
Our next meet up will be on Saturday, January 15th, at 8PM at Hair Of The Dog, 425 Church Street. Reservation under Kevin. If you would like to come please RSVP on the Meet Up page. Hope to see you there.
7. NEW Support Group: Parenting a Child with Special Needs? *
Are you an LGBTQ person caring for or parenting a child or youth with special needs? Are you interested in sharing your experience with others who are in the same situation?
LGBTQ parents of any kind (step-parents, foster parents, adoptive parents, birth parents, non-birth parents, grandparents, etc.) who are caring for special needs children are invited to help us explore how to support, connect and learn from each other. Our hope is to help raise the visibility of special needs families within our communities and create opportunities for networking, mutual learning and shared advocacy.
Right now we’d love to hear from any of you who are interested in being part of this initiative. Send us an e-mail describing your situation and what you might be looking for in connecting with others. We’ll write back to let you know about next steps.
If this announcement catches your attention or speaks to you in any way, please contact Rachel Epstein and Janis Purdy at parentingnetwork@sherbourne.on.ca.
*Special Needs in this case refers to children and youth who require specialized services and supports to participate in activities of daily living on a one-time, continuous or intermittent basis; and/or have needs associated with a variety of conditions, which may include physical, intellectual, emotional, developmental disabilities, and/or health issues or illness.
8. Gender Independent & Kids of Queers TDSB Groups
Meeting once a month, GIG is a space for children (k-4) who express Gender Independence. One goal of GIG is to provide an opportunity for GI (gender independent) kids to meet one another and through fun activities play, explore gender and make friends.
Beginning in 2011 the group will be on the 3rd Tuesday of each month,
4 - 5:15 pm at Palmerston Public School, 734 Palmerston Ave, in the Library. Current dates are as follows: Tue Jan 18, Tue Feb 15, Tue Mar 8, Tue April 19, Tue May 17
Kids of Queers, a group for kids (K-Grade 4) with LGBTQ families (The definition of “families” include caregivers from bio to adopted to step to chosen families and any configuration that exists for the children of our diverse communities.) will also meet once a month, on the third Wednesday. Same time, same place. Current dates are as follows: Wed Jan 19, Wed Feb 16, Wed Mar 9 (the 16th is the 3rd Wed, but it is March break), Wed April 20.
For more information please contact Steven Solomon, School Social Worker, TDSB at 416-985-3749 or by email steven.solomon@tdsb.on.ca
9. LGBTQ Parents of Multiples Support Network
Multiple Births Canada, with the assistance of the LGBTQ Parenting Network, is seeking to establish an LGBTQ Parents of Multiples Support Network. We are currently seeking a chairperson to work alongside other volunteers to provide phone and email support to expecting and new LGBTQ parents of multiples, as well as referrals to other resources for parents of multiples. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact: parentingnetwork@sherbourne.on.ca.
10. Richmond Hill Women’s Support Group
Are you gay or think you might be?
The Women’s Support Group in Richmond Hill runs every other Thursday from
7-9pm. Married Women welcome. Confidentiality respected
Come and be supported in a nurturing environment where you can safely explore your thoughts. Feel free to participate or just listen.
Contact Heidi at 416 878-5667 or heidi@mindbodysoul.ca
10132 Yonge St. Suite 201, Richmond Hill
11. Creating Our Families - Call for participants from under-represented groups.
Are you Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Two-Spirit, Lesbian or Queer?
Since January 1, 2007...
Have you considered using fertility clinics or sperm banks in Ontario, but didn’t?
~ OR ~
Have you used a fertility clinic or sperm bank in Ontario?
We are still recruiting participants from under-represented groups.
Find out more at:
or search “Creating Our Families Research Project” on Facebook
The Creating our Families Research Project is affiliated with the LGBTQ Parenting Network at the Sherbourne Health Centre & the Centre for Addiction in Mental Health. We are funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.