Mangos With Chili QPOC tour hitting Northeast! Toronto, April 7th!

Mar 07, 2007 00:58


Mangos With Chili queer people of color roadshow is touring the Northeast March 31-April 9!


Thomas Andre Bardwell
Kay Barrett (Mango Tribe)
Ching-In Chen
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Maria Cristina Rangel aka Miss Cherry Galette
Suhayl Ramirez
Ignacio Rivera
Victor Tobar

***Mangos With Chili: the floating cabaret of queer and trans people of
color bliss, dreams sweat, sweets and nightmares, is two weeks of
history-making performance by 9 queer and trans of color performance
artists working in spoken word, theater, drag, dance and burlesque.

Inspired by similar traveling roadshows like the Tranny Roadshow and the
Sex Workers Art Show, in 2006 sister femme vixen writers and performance
artists Maria Cristina Rangel and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha decided
to start a similar tour featuring the most brilliant queer and trans
artists of color they knew, using their experience creating events in
Toronto, Boston, New York and the West Coast.

Telling stories of survival, sex, dreams, magic, color, and trans, femme
and genderqueer identities reaching from Sri Lanka to Aztlan to Morocco to
the Philippines to the Caribbean to Brooklyn to migrant small town
Washington state, Mangos With Chili is a groundbreaking performance
cabaret, taking This Bridge Called My Back into the 21st century.

For more information, downloadable press pics and flyers:

To arrange a media interview, please contact Leah Lakshmi
Piepzna-Samarasinha, co-Artistic Director at (416) 533-2697 (until March
30), (347) 721-7250 (after March 30), Maria Cristina Rangel at
413-218-0464, or

Full Tour Dates:

Saturday, March 31, 2007: Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA
Lang Concert Hall at Swarthmore College (500 College Ave, Swarthmore PA)
7:30 PM- 9:30 PM
Free admission!!!

Sunday, April 1: Cattyshack, 249 4th Avenue (President & Carroll Sts),
Brooklyn, NY, 8:00- 11:00 PM, $10-12, no one turned away due to lack of funds

Monday, April 2: Smith College, Northhampton, MA

Tuesday, April 3, Providence Black Repertory Theater, Providence RI
7-9 PM, $8-$12, noone turned away due to lack of funds

Wednesday, April 4, Spontaneous Celebrations, 45 Danforth St, Boston, MA
7-9 PM, $8-$12, noone turned away due to lack of funds

Thursday, April 5, McGill University, (location tba but check for more info) Montreal, QC, $8-$12 noone turned away
due to lack of funds.

Saturday, April 7, Buddies in Bad Times Theater, 12 Alexander St.,
Toronto, ON
8-10 PM, $8-12 sliding scale, no one turned away. Fully accessible venue!

Monday, April 8, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH
The ‘Sco
7-9 PM
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