Where Have I Been?

Jan 05, 2006 18:03

Folks, a word to the wise, I officially think that all cell phones should be destroyed... We all know how well my last phone ended right? The whole screen being impossible to read, the phone not ringing, and it being super hard to hear people on cause the ear thingy was screwy? Well now I have fucked up another one... See, I bought this clip thing for my cell to be more easily available to me at work... It's a pouchy thing that hooks onto my tool belt and then when my grandfather calls me the 15 times in a day it's not a struggle as I remove my glove, move my belt up and try to keep it off my pocket as my hand reaches inside to grasp at a cell with slippery hands, pull the phone out before I manage to drop it onto the ground, and answer it, all before it goes to voice mail or he hangs up... We all know how not fun that can be...

Anyway, so the day after I get it, I've got it clipped to my belt and I was all hyped about it and I went to work and the bloody thing fell off my belt into the water puddle, without my knowing it... So when did I find the now sopping wet device? An hour later when I was leaving work... What pissed me off more was I'd lost my tape measure the day before in the same puddle, though I only found out it was that puddle today. I hate cells sometimes...

So now I have the joy of calling up Rogers yet again in the hopes that they'll send me a new phone, which they will as I have to pay them for it too, and who doesn't like a little extra cash coming into their company because of stupid devices made to assist that fuck things up even more than ever. Bloody idiots...

Anyway, now onto perhaps more interesting topics. Last time I posted was on the 17th of December... I don't remember when that was but since then we've had Christmas, New Years, and working... That much I can tell you for sure. What have I been doing for that? Well here's where you get to find out, though I doubt few people really care because it's simply the same old shit that I've probably told most of you... I kinda like to do that it would appear, blather on and rabbit about shit no one needs to hear 5 or 6 times... Though I must admit, my rabbiting skills are quite refined... Oh, 'rabbiting' is another world for rambling, it's British slang which I've picked up and held onto in quite the same way I always do... Anyway...

Before Christmas I had my Christmas dinner, the 5 labourers, our foreman, the super, and the company owner. Labourers=Old Mike (He's a married 32 year old Romanian who's fucking hilarious), Young Mike (Younger than me by a few months, never worked construction, lives in Pickering, and is really fun too), Gary (Young Mike's uncle, pig headed, likes to say no one does any work or that the work they do isn't good enough, very angry man), Shawn (Thinks he's a ladies man when the only ladies he can pick up are Golden Retrievers, talks way too much, comes off as an idiot almost always, I don't like him much...), and me (smart, funny, perfect in every way, and not in the least bit arrogant or conceited). Foreman=Roy (Rob Roy is a great description, he's a cowboy, has a ponytail longer than I've ever had, bright red hair, really nice and helps me a lot with stuff on site). Super=My Grandfather (...). Owner=Jeff (Nice guy, down to earth, easy to talk to, and hasn't told me to call him by his name so I refer to him as 'Mr. Allen' or 'Sir' a lot...). Old Mike couldn't make it, so Jeff invited Blair along. Blair=Maintenance Guy (can't do his job, thinks he knows everything, makes me look like a mute).

Dinner was at a Mandarin in Toronto, and Jeff got the times wrong. He thought the reservation was for 5... IN truth it was for 6:30... He called us at about 5:30, 5:45, to say he was going to be late but then called again at 6:00 to ask where we were cause we weren't there yet... Shawn showed up, took one look at me and told me that I looked very nice, which is something he'd say cause as I said before, he thinks he's a charmer. I know that it sounds like I'm being mean and shit, but if you were there, you'd agree... We ate like mad and then went home late, but that wasn't good cause I had to go to work the next day and was super tired... Oh well.

Dec 23, we had a party at work, no one did anything all day, in fact I spent most of it either throwing snowballs with the guys or hanging out in the office with Michelle. I had Pizza with Kim, Michelle and Jason, and then went home at 2 to sleep.

Christmas was standard, entire family visits, I get a bunch of tools, and Ian brought his Girlfriend Marlene with him... She's nice, she came to Thanksgiving with us and we saw this small brush fire in the park when we took the younger cousins to play... It was fun. There was this little Soccer ball that Sam, my youngest cousin, Ian, the cousin who's younger by a month and 2 days and I'll never let live down (Also he's 6'4" and I used to bug him for being shorter than me, now I bug him cause he's a freakin' giant... Marlene by the way barely stands to his chest...) and I played soccer while Marlene played cheerleader... I'm getting off track with this somewhere... Right, this is about Christmas, Thanksgiving was a few months ago... Oops... So back to the rambling, I was given X-Men Legends 2, which I've played a bunch since then... It's okay, not fabulous, but okay.

Week off...

(DEC 27) I had the week off between Christmas and New Years so I made the most of it, I went out twice. I saw Jay for my requisite Dec 27 Jay Day. This has become a ritual for us, Dec 25, family, Dec 26, play with gifts, Dec 27, see each other, a movie, and go mad with hyper-active nutso days! We saw HP4, my second time, his... Well it was more than second but I dunno how much so, and it was his first time in theaters... Before people tell me movies are expensive and seeing them once should be enough and all that shite, keep in mind these two facts: 1) Jay and I promised each other that we'd see HP4 in theaters when we saw HP3, and after having bailed on him for LOTR:TT in theaters, I won't break a promise like this again; 2) It's the first time I've ever seen a movie twice in theaters and besides, the first I saw it I didn't see the credits... If you've ever gone with me to a movie you know how important those credits are! So when I watched the credits with Jay (seeing as HP4 was the first thing we did when we met up, well beside him giving me a loaf of Banana bread that I finished on the Friday after my nap, and me giving him his Kleenex box of Christmas gifts, a Mickey Mouse Key Chain, a box of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Bean, and trust me, they've tried to get every flavour, wanna know what dirt tastes like? Or Sardines? Or earwax? They have them! And the Mickey and Minnie 2005 Christmas tree ornament thing with a space for a picture that he and I still need to take so that we can put it in there.... I've lost myself again... Where was? See, I told you I was going to Rabbit, but you didn't believe me, so you clicked the little link and began to read... I bet you're reading this too, aren't you? Of course you are, because you don't believe I rabbit at all, but I do, this is in fact the second time I've done it, and not even just relating to the story of my Christmas hols, no, this is completely off topic, as most rabbits are, and you're still reading this... I can't believe it... Really, we should just skip all this now cause I kinda don't know how much more of this foolish stuff I can keep typing... So what was I talking about again...?

Oh yes, so we saw the movie, and at the end of it, well you know how a lot of movies have a thing saying 'No animals were harmed during the making of this film'? HP4 has a line saying 'No DRAGONS were harmed during the making of this film... Can you believe it? Jay and I laughed about that one for, well, too long really, hell I still am!

Quick Side Note: This is fucking huge this thing... I wonder how long it'll be before I finish it? End Side Note

So after the movie and the gifting and the chilling and being hyper, we went to Chapters, that was weird though, I'll explain more later... And from Chapters we went to Alice Fazooli's because we hoped we'd catch the chick we'd seen last time, but we didn't. In fact we got this completely incompetent waiter, but I'll talk about him in a second, first I want to ask, is there anyone who doesn't know how to use the push bar paper towel dispenser? The one with the black push bar on the bottom? No? I didn't think so, but I met someone at Fazooli's... Anyway, HORRIBLE waiter. I ordered Angel Hair Pasta, and that's what I said to him, I want an Angel Hair Pasta, no onions. What's he bring me? Angel Hair Pasta with shrimps in it. Now you guys all know my family has a history of Shrimp allergies, and if you didn't now you do. I don't eat seafood cause I could be allergic, and those in my family who are, will die from it, hence the reason I'm not running out the door to press my luck. I was annoyed but I gave the shrimps to Jay and told the guy to bugger off, I mean, he stood over us as I picked them out. Jay and I, in our natural state of unawares, didn't think that we'd be charged anything more than the 9.95$ because he's an idiot, but things didn't seem to fit, in the menu it didn't read shrimp that we'd seen, and 9.95$ seems a little cheap for a dish with shrimps... So we get the bill and sure enough, he charged me for a SHRIMP ANGEL HAIR PASTA! 16.95$. What did I order? ANGEL HAIR PASTA! No shrimps! Dumbass.

We then went to Playdium, which I think we'd been at earlier but I can't remember for sure. Jay kicked my ass at games, Jay NEVER kicks my ass at games! I mean, yeah, I beat him at DDR, and at air hockey, a few times, but he beat me at racing, and he beat me at shooting, and he beat me at Simpson's Bowling (Which by the way is the stupidest thing cause I tried to actually play, he just sent the ball flying and got strikes, and when I converted to his strategy, same thing. It was really fucked up.) We basically tied at fighting games, and never made it to puzzle bobble, which I am queen of by the way. WE also rode this virtual roller coaster for 10 tokens, fuck it was a bloody long wait, but it was awesome to ride. It wasn't the ride so much as the fact that the projector is behind you, and every time the thing turned or anything my hair would fly up in front of it so there'd be this blacked out spot cause of the shadow, and we laughed about that, just like we talked about things, I don't remember what besides my hair and the projector, but Jay and I have a history of talking about shit on every ride we go on... When at Wonderland, we talk non-stop on rides because we can, and then when we get off the ride, we laugh about how we were laughing and talking on the rides. Honestly people, Jay and I are the hyper active joking pair that you wish you were. It's almost scary as Janet will tell you. See, we were at Playdium and Janet had mentioned maybe coming out with us in the evening so we called her to find out if she would be, while on the phone with her we had it where the person she talked was actually really a middle man, passing what she said to the other and vice versa, and Jay and I jumped around singing and yelling and being immature... We scared her almost, she kept saying we were insane... Not insane sweetie, living the lives of 20 year old when we're really like 10. Okay, weird chapters thing is that when we went to chapters, Janet had been there, but we didn't see her. We found out when we talked to her on the phone while at Playdium... OOOOH!!!!

I spent the next few days at home playing games and being me.

Friday, Dec 30, I went out with Janet and Jay, got my period and came home pukey... I felt like shit all day cause I felt guilty having bailed on the two of them, and cause, well, I was on my period, why else would I feel shitty? Bleeding, cramps, throwing up, can't eat cause you'll puke, can't drink cause you'll puke, cause sit, or stand, or walk, or run, or do anything cause it hurts. Periods are shit and if you like yours, well you're fucked up then now aren't you! :P

I spent New Years at home cause I felt so crummy and no one was able to do anything, except Jay called me at like 8 something to say that he hadn't gone home like he had intended, so he was leaving civilization the next day. I stayed up till 2.

Back to work! I've spent my week working with Old Mike, which is great cause though he's married I can still look, and we talk about a bunch of shit, and laugh a lot. It's fun... Today I was showing off one of the 6 new tapes I got for Christmas... It’s this keychain one that can't measure anymore than 35", so Mike says to me, 'I have something to say and you don't want to hear it' (or something to that effect...) I said I didn't care, and he replies with 'heh, you could use it to measure the size of guys dicks.' Mike doesn't normally talk like that, and he's fairly chivalrous, and all that shit, but man did I ever laugh at that, and me, the women who always has something to say, couldn't think of anything to come back with. It was weird but funny.

And that's been my time off since Dec 17, or at least the highlights of it. I rented a movie, couldn't watch it cause I didn't get the disc, I've gotten it now, read a book in 2 days, joked with Mike, played games, seen friends and family and am exhausted to the point that while I've sat here typing non-stop since 6:03 (it's now 6:57) I've had a throbbing headache that has made me decide to skip dinner and just go to bed whenever I'm done here. Don't call my phone I won't answer... I'm going to speak to Rogers soon I think. Hope everyone else had a good break and I know you fools are regretting the going back to school thing.

Later Days y'all, and keep on smiling,


There were no dragons harmed during the making of this post.. Though the author is a bit worn out, she'll be okay after a decent sleep... And maybe some drugs... or something... I don't know I'm not a fucking doctor! My job is to type what they tell me! They didn't tell when she'd be okay or how, just that she had a headache! I thought you'd like the reassurance... Stop looking at me like that... I mean it... Oh bugger off, I don't want to see you anymore.

Post Script: This post is 5 pages and 2,813 words long. I wrote a mini essay!
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