
Oct 11, 2005 14:45

I hurt my knee, no idea how... And because of my left knee being stupid two things have happened:

1. My right knee has decided to fall in and follow the crowd also hurting to the point that my lack of stamina when running is actually holding out longer than my knees are.
2. I'm wearing a bandage around my left knee to try and make it hurt less which is in turn making it almost impossible to walk up or down a flight of stairs without looking like I'm Frankenstein's monster or it's bride.

I don't know if I mentioned this yet, but I saw Corpse Bride. See it, though it isn't super necessary.

Today marks the first day of my 6-7 days a week at the theater. Fridays are tentatively open still, but if you want me, make plans now!

Serpentesse, Oct 22, spoke to me mum, she says MAYBE. Might happen still then!!! Woot!

Football season is still going strong and Man U is still kicking ass! I missed the qualifier this past Saturday, England at Austria, minus one of the best strikers in the league, Rooney or Man U. He's that dude I went on about back at the beginning of the season who scored on his former team and it was his first goal since he left... yeah, you guys prolly don't remember, but I sure as hell do.

My knee hurts.

Some of you may remember James? The chinese dude from first year... I think he's asked me out on a date, and I mean a date date, like boy girl who want to eventually have sex date date thing... AHHH! I don't know how to turn him down nicely, I don't want to hurt his feelings, but I mean, I'm not the tactful type... Shit.

Accident just happened while at the library
fire truck, ambulance, an unconcious motorcycle dude and a car or two. my reaction, a giggle and a 'sweet'. Something must be wrong with me. I feel no worries about the dude. He looks fine, the bike is fine. It's fucking hilarious if you ask me. He's inconvienced all them, and rush hour traffic at that. Fucking A and a half.

Oh well, gotta go buy my paper and get a new pack of smokes. I promised Brendan I'd smoke about 5-6 a day and that's it... so far today, 2.5, and I'll only smoke 2 or 3 at the theater tonight. I'm happy.

Later Days,

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