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artwork booksicons photography recipes writing Credit ♥ Jack. 25. A history student at California State University, Sacramento. A native Californian who's a Texan at heart, with a plethora of un-educational interests including, but definitely not limited to:
「Video Games」 Dragon Age, Final Fantasy IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, Left 4 Dead, Pokémon, 「Books」 The Gentleman Bastards, Infernal Devices, Lord John Grey and the..., Mortal Instruments, A Song of Ice and Fire 「Manga」 Dogs: Bullets and Carnage, Fushigi Yǔgi, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Sailor Moon
Most importantly: I love making new friends (who doesn't?!) so if you think we have something in common, feel free to drop me a line! ♥.
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