new years eve i went to ellens house and chilled with mia justine and tiffany and stayed up till 12 and tehn we took shots.....of sprite? haha yeeeeah that was fun
january 1st- amanda spent the night
jan 2nd- me and amanda went to ellens to get my toothbrush and ended up stayin and watched ellen play roller coaster tycoon..its addicting to watch..then we went home and amanda had to go home because i had to go to miami.
january 3rd went to amandas with ellen and chilled with robbie kenneth dana and this one kid jordan? it was fun even tho amandas parents kept comming over and checkin on us lol but i got to see kenneth so its all good
today-went to the mall with brooke ellen and amanda and met up with jaems adam and mitch that was fun. we hung out adn walked around till we had to go.>>
and at ellens house>