I really don't know why I'm typing up a journal entry... at the beginning of the day... when I SHOULD be working on my argumentive essay.
Yay, let's go talk about gay marriage and get into an argument about it. :D Yes, my paper on on that. Gay marriage and I get to convince you that it's okay to have happen. Unless you already think it's okay then... you're on my side with the argument. :D And I'd love you for that.
Erm, I also need to get that car of mine registered by next Monday. x__x Where'd that picture I took of it go?
I also didn't get the graphic design job. ;___; I'm pretty upset about that. But, he liked my artwork so, I suppose that's an upside and the manager also said, if I stay at it, I could have a great job in that profession. (My high school teachers still say I should go into a science career... In YOUR FACES TEACHERS. GRAPHIC DESIGN IS WHERE I BELONG.)
Ick, I need a shower. x_x My hair is gross. Like... really gross. Ugh.
And why the hell must Girugamesh be playing so far away in New Jersey? That's saddening for me. .__. I want to see them~ <3 Well, mostly Shuu and Ryo but, that's besides the point.
Oh, oh, one last thing... I got someone to make me a new Ruki cosplay. Cockroach FTW. I had the outfit before but my parents tossed it on me while I was at college. Thanks guys, thanks. So, I need a new one. And I'm going to try and get them to help me make another outfit. I sorta want to do Uruha, but I'm at a loss for what outfit. x__x Suggestions would be appreciated.
Okay, I lied. THIS is the last thing.
My new car. 2007 Ford Focus. *w* My baby. <3