Then she appeared, pale atlantis rising out of the west

Sep 06, 2008 14:59

Ohh baby. Look at me. With no time to even breathe, and I decide to make a picspam? I have some serious problems. But if it makes anyone feel better its pretty sucky. Because I seriously did this while I ran out of ideas on my stupid essay. But 2008 has been such a Rory/Jess year for me. So clearly they have to be my first real picspamm.

And I have so much to actually update with. Perhaps tomorrow? Gahh I hate school. But I'm getting off topic. On to the pretty peopleee!

Rory: You've read this before.
Jess: About forty times.
Rory: I thought you said you didn't read much.
Jess: Well, what is much? Goodnight Rory.
Rory: Good night, Dodger.
Jess: What?
Rory: Figure it out.

Rory: I will give the painful Ernest Hemingway another shot. Yes I promise.
Jess: You know, Ernest only has lovely things to say about you.
Rory: Why are you only nice to me?
Jess: Excuse me?
Rory: An hour ago you were totally screwing with Dean and now you're totally nice to me.
Jess: You see, it's the screwing with Dean that's an important step to getting here so that I can be nice to you.

Jess Mariano: Ok, so I guess we should be getting back. I did promise to study if you'd go on this ice cream run with me.
Rory: Yes, you did.
Jess: Ok, so I could just go straight and we'll be back at Luke's.
Rory: Good sense of direction.
Jess: Of course, I could turn right and then we'd just be driving around in circles for a while.
Rory: Turn right.
Jess: As you wish.

Jess: Why did you come here ? I mean, you ditched school and everything. That's so not you. Why'd you do it ?
Rory: Because you didn't say g o o d b y e.

Rory: What are you doing here?
Jess: I moved back.
Rory: What?
Jess: I moved back.
Rory: But...why?
Jess: Just...wanted to.
(Rory kisses Jess)
Rory: Oh my God!
Jess: Rory...
Rory: Don't say a word!
Jess: Okay.
Rory: Oh! Welcome home

Rory: You going to smoke that or mind meld with it?
Jess: It depends.
Rory: Yeah, here we are. So, tell me, what’s your decision about smoking that depending on?
Jess: What’s gonna happen.
Rory: When?
Jess: Now.
Rory: I’m glad you didn’t smoke it.
Jess: Oh yeah?
Jess: Well, whatever else happens between us, at least we know that part works.
Rory: I have to go.
Jess: What? Did I do something or -
Rory: No, no. This was. . . you were - are. . .it was wonderful, and I look forward to many similar occurrences in the future, but right now, I have to go. Understand?
Jess: Not at all.
RORY: It’s more fun that way, isn’t it?
JESS: Come here...Beat it.
RORY: I’ll see you tomorrow.

Rory: You know what just occurred to me? That we are very fortunate to have good teeth.
Jess: Yes, very fortunate.
Rory: Can you imagine if braces were involved in this interaction?
Jess: It'd be a bloodbath.

Jess: So, it’s been a couple days since you made the big decision. You still going to Yale?
Rory: Yes, I am. It’s got all the classes I want and some really great teachers, and plus, you know, as an added bonus, it’s really close to here.
Jess: 22.8 miles.
Rory: How’d you know that?
Jess: Do you Yahoo?
Rory: You looked it up?
Jess: Yeah.
Rory: You looked it up.
Jess: I just hit a couple buttons on the computer.
Rory: You looked it up.
Jess: I was bored. There was nothing on TV and I was fooling around, it was something to do, that’s it.
Rory: You looked it up.

HOTNESS. This doesn't need dialogue. It's just sex. Except not really. But you know.

Rory: Jess, is that you? Jess, I'm pretty sure it's you and I'm pretty sure you've been calling and not saying anything but wanna say something. Hello? You're not going to talk? Fine, I'll talk. You didn't handle things right at all. You could've talked to me. You could've told me that you were having trouble in school and weren't going to graduate, and that your dad had been there, but you didn't. And you ended up not taking me to my prom and not coming to my graduation and leaving again without saying goodbye again, and that's fine, I get it, but that's it for me. I'm going to Europe tomorrow and I'm going to Yale and I'm moving on. And I'm not going to pine. I hope you didn't think I was going to pine, okay? I think. . .I think I may have loved you, but I just need to let it go. So, that's it, I guess. Um, I hope you're good. I want you to be good, and, um, okay, so, goodbye. That word sounds really lame and stupid right now, but there it is. Goodbye.

So there are about 24593 more scenes that I really needed to include in here. I think I might need to do a Part 2 or something. Because there are so many faaaaaabulous scenes I have completely overlooked. Its disgusting. 


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