(no subject)

Dec 01, 2009 01:19

Out-of-Character Information
Name and Livejournal: Kati
Are you 13 or over?: I'd hope so
Time Zone: -5 GMT

AIM: MercuryDestiny
Tegaki: N/A
Anything Else?: Please feel free to bug the crap outta me for Tags. I tend to forget about Logs/Tags and don't mind being reminded about them! It's a bad habit of mine that I am trying to break. Just let me know who you are when you IM me.

In-Character Information
Name (and age/-relevance if applicable): Miles 'Tails' Prower 12
Species: Fox of the Two Tailed variety
Series: Sonic the Hedgehog
Canon Point: Sometime after Advance 3
Occupation or status upon arrival: Student (Academy)/ Mechanic

Loyal and sweet natured, Tails is a walking definition of the two. His loyalty to his friends shows often when they are in trouble and he shows up to rescue them or just to lend a ear and a bit of advice, even if they have ignored him or done something to upset him. His loyalty to Sonic is matched by few. If the two were to be separated, Tails would do anything and everything in his power to find and help Sonic again, even if Sonic had made him mad or had ignored him before the split.

Tails is a mechanical genius and rivals Eggman's abilities. He never seems to think of that as a big deal, not realizing the potential he has. When he finds something he hasn't seen before, he must go and figure out how it works, talking about it in what most others call 'Technobabble'. Once someone lets him know they don't understand, He usually stops and tries to explain in simpler terms. Although most will just be annoyed by this and would rather just ignore it or tell him to stop outright.

Tails dislikes thunder and lighting, possibly due to the fact that these two are a pilots worse nightmare or it could be from some unknown thing in his past. Boredom is another thing he dislikes due to it making him feel useless. He normally is working on new gadgets or exploring to combat this dislike. He also does not like to be ignored although many times in the past, even his best friend has done this.

Tails does not have a lot of self confidence, always seeming to be engulfed in Sonic's shadow. He tries to do things for himself, often to find himself calling for his best friend to help him out. Although there have been times that he has stepped out and done something himself, Such as racing to a dud missile with Eggman or fighting him off when Sonic was sent to die. He seems to shine through when someone is counting on him.

When he speaks, He is normally chipper and eager, very rarely serious or depressed. It is very hard to depress him, seeing as he is a optimist most of the time, seeing the good in a bad situation. Even when shocked, it does not take long for his optimism takes control once more although there are times that will be replaced with a dead serious tone or even anger, all depending on the situation.

Tails lived by himself on Westside Island as long as he can remember. He usually kept away from others, due to his tails, afraid of the jeers and comments thrown at him. When he was 5, a witch by the name of Wendy Witchcart decided she would try to take over the island. Tails only found out her plans due to hiding in a bush nearby when she came past, As she decided to tell the area around her her plot. (Never said she was a intelligent Villain!)

After that adventure he decided it was time to move on to another place to try and live. He gathered enough equipment and tools and built the 'Sea Fox' and headed off to another Island that wasn't too far off from Westside Island, Cocoa Island. There he built a mini lab and settled down there for a while. But not long after him settling there, the Battle Kukku Army invaded, for Cocoa Island held 6 of the 7 Chaos Emeralds. A flicky he had made friends with came and told him of what was going on and he decided to help out, sure that even when the army had found what they wanted, the Island would be destroyed,. He took off and battled with both the Great Battle Kukku 15th and his son, Battle Kukku 16th, Otherwise known as Speedy. Once Tails made it through and defeated the Great Battle Kukku 15th, they withdrew from the island and left it. Tails felt his time at Cocoa Island was done and took off once more to Westside Island once more.

Back on Westside Island, he tried once more to make friends with the other kids, seeing if maybe they would have changed their minds about him. Sadly their opinion of the fox hadn't changed one bit. They took some of his inventions he had created while on Cocoa Island and smashed them while he was forced to watch. As he gathered up the pieces, he saw a flash of blue and a trail of dust kicked up by someone. Curiosity got the batter of him and he quickly followed, soon spotting Sonic. He stepped on a twig and nearly ended up in a tree if not for calling out an apology for startling the hedgehog. The two became fast friends as they started traveling the the zones on Westside Island, fighting Robotnik around every corner. The two watched as Robotnik escape up to the Death Egg, Sonic showed Tails the Tornado. They took it up to the Death Egg, only for Tails to be shot down. He made a 'safe' crash landing and quickly got to work repairing it, finishing just in time to catch Sonic on his way down. As they flew off, They headed off to parts unknown, trying to get away from the battle for a little while.

As they traveled they spotted the Floating Island and a very familiar crashed Death Egg sitting on top of it's mountains. They took a detour over to it to find out what Robotnik was up to and ran into, Or at least Sonic did literally, Knuckles. Knuckles was tricked into thinking that Sonic and Tails were after the Master Emerald and had stolen the Chaos emeralds. They took off after him , defeating bots and running into some of the traps set on their way to Robotnik. Before long, the two had convinced Knuckles of the truth and they all set out to defeat Robotnik and kick him off the Island. Once that was completed, Sonic and Tails took off in the Tornado once more for places unknown, looking for more adventure...or at least something to do!
They ended up in Station Square where after Tails built a new lab area, Robotnik appeared once more the cause chaos with Chaos. Tails split up from Sonic, to try and get ahead of Robotnik, racing him to a missile and then fighting the Egg Walker. Tails got the upper hand in both events and proved to himself that he could do battle and win without calling for Sonic.
Not long after, Robotnik was up to his schemes again and when Shadow the Hedgehog was awakened, made news with the theft of one of the Chaos emeralds, causing Sonic to be captured. Tails made his way to Prison Island to break Sonic out after he was captured the second time, not believing that Sonic would do anything like what the News was saying. He ran into Amy who insisted that she come along. When they arrived, Robotnik was there ahead of them and Tails used his new plane, the Cyclone, to defeat him while Amy want after Sonic. Once Sonic was freed, the trio teamed up to stop the mad scientists evil scheme. The battles were even more difficult them before but they kept pulling through, Even when Robotnik had all the emeralds and had supposedly killed Sonic. After finding and defeating the BioLizard on the ARK, the group headed back to earth, hoping for a moment to rest from the ordeal.
The vacation did not last long as Tails received a letter from Robotnik, challenging Sonic, himself and Knuckles to stop a new Ultimate weapon within three days. The trio took to the challenge and made their way to defeat Robotnik and the weapon once more.
Afterwards more schemes and adventures occurred, not giving them much time to rest in between each plot. After numerous battles that seemed to never end, they seemed to stop all of a sudden. The group slowly relaxed, seeing no sign of Robotnik. Tails refused to think that Robotnik had just disappeared or decided to stop. After a while, Sonic and Tails went their separate ways for the moment, planning on meeting back up at a later time. Tails took the Cyclone and went out to search for any sign of Robotnik.

What brings this person to Diamond City?:
He went out ahead of the group and ended up tracking Robotnik here on his own

Special Abilities:
-He can fly with his two tails.

-He can use the same technique that allows him to fly for a boost of speed when running

- Tails puts his twin tails to good use by swinging them at an enemy, more commonly known as the Tail Swipe and can be amplified by the Rhythm Badge, Which allows him to spin around like a top.

-Like Sonic, Tails can crouch into a ball and rev himself up to send him blasting in the direction he was pointed at.

Misc. Notes:
Likes- Sonic, Knuckles, speed, mechanical things, planes, machine, hanging around with Sonic, creating new machines, flying, swimming, inventing, Mint Candy

Dislikes- Getting left out, Robotnik, people mistreating old machines, being bothered when he's in the middle of something complicated, when no-one listens to him, lightning

None at the moment. IM me and we can talk

First-Person Sample: Thought Train:
Hmmm...My radio is down...that's not good. Maybe this city will have what I need to fix it. I shouldn't have much trouble, seeing as this is a large city...I think it's bigger then Station Square was, before Chaos attacked.

It might be a good idea to take a closer look inside the city anyways. After all, Robotnik could be blending in for the time being...He hasn't done it before but he likes to do things out of the ordinary. Although that really creepy building I spotted when flying over does seem suspisious...It's defentatly worth a look...

I might want to stick around for a while. I could be in the right place and not know it yet. I just need to find a place to stay until I can get enough materals to build a lab out here..Maybe enroll in a school...Try to make things look normal and meet other people, Just in case...In that case...Where should I start?

Third-Person Sample:
As Tails was walking down the street aimlessly, a sparkle from the depth of an alleyway caught his eye. He stopped and looked down the alleyway, wondering what it could be.
With a glance about he headed into the alleyway, keeping a watchful eye of his surroundings. After a moment of losing sight of the sparkle, he found it hidden behind some trash cans. Moving the cans aside he found a old computer monitor. He looked at it for a moment, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. After a moment, he grinned and snapped his fingers, "Alright...I could use this!"
He looked about before picking up the monitor and headed back the way he had come, planning on taking the monitor to the Cyclone so he could try to fix it up to use later. At the moment he didn't have any ideas that would use it but he was quite sure it would get used soon.

Hey! You just finished the app! Any last words? Not really ^^;
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