Looking for a couch.

Dec 09, 2009 12:08

A couch for me to sleep on.
In Vancouver, BC.
From Feb 21st - 28th.


Now, I understand that a lot of Vancouverites are ambivalent at best about the Olympics. If you know anyone who is not planning on fleeing the city but really hates the Olympics, hmmmm well, I don't want them to hate me too..... Best case scenario would probably be either someone who is planning on fleeing the city for that week and needs a house/pet sitter or someone who is OK with/likes the Olympics.

I've been kinda obsessed with the Olympics for a lot of years now. There was the time I got cable installed in my house for those two weeks only (well, they wouldn't let me buy just two weeks, so we had it for a month). There was the time I had an illegal satellite dish. There was the time we searched out a special antenna that makes it possible to watch broadcast TV on the computer (and then set up another computer next to it to watch the web broadcast at the same time). There was the time I had a rabbit-ear antenna with a crazy sculpture of tinfoil sprouting from it and I knit all through two weeks of slightly snowy broadcast.

Four-ish years ago a co-worker and I came up with a scheme to go to the 2010 Olympics together (I've since lost contact with her). We started putting away a dollar a day. As we travelled last year I wasn't able to continue adding to the savings, but we did manage not to spend it. Sadly I was too overwhelmed with getting my life all re-established to start planning for this trip when I should have (several months ago), and there aren't a lot of tickets available through official channels right now. But I've bought one, and I figure I'll just go up there and figure out what I can, all while enjoying the various free art and cultural events that are scheduled alongside the sport.

But to do that I need a place to stay. Help me out internet?
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