Our Bingo card has been released!
http://www.tornworld.net/bingo.php Claims:
How do I claim a prompt? Just comment below saying which prompt you'd like to claim. The card will be updated as soon as I can get to it.
How many claims can I make? Just one at a time! Once you've filled your claim, you can claim another!
What happens if a prompt is claimed twice? Er, hopefully that won't happen, but I'll take the first one and let the second one know as soon as possible.
Can I claim my own prompt? That is discouraged, but if it's the last one to fill a Bingo, I'm not going to quibble. You are not eligible for the prompter prize, if you do.
I made a claim, but I'm just NOT inspired (or suddenly too busy, or...). While we don't want people making claims and backing out, that is far preferable to making a claim and simply not filling it. Just let me know and your claim will be removed.
Does it matter if my claim isn't in a row with others? Although we'll be trying very hard to get a bingo, it's still useful if you fill a different square - you'll be adding to our creator count, and towards a blackout!
Can I claim the Free Space? That space is a free fill - nothing has to be done for that square to count towards a bingo. (We may change this in future Muse Fusions!)
What's a fill? A fill can be a finished sketch, a poem, a short story, an article, or even a craft.
How long to I get to make a fill? Fills have to be declared by the end of Monday, April 21.
How finished does it have to be? You can report a fill as soon as you have a rough draft; it's okay if you want to make edits later, or take a piece of artwork to the next level later. If you start something and realize it's a very long story (for example), you can declare a fill when you get to a chapter break or first installment. A sketch should be something worth submitting - something finished, not just a rough gesture sketch. A craft may be the first stage of something (unfired ceramics, for example).
How do I declare a fill? Report it here, in reply to your claim! Give us a title and word or line count for writing, plus a little summary. A photo or scan of an image is great for arts and crafts, or just let us know what you've done and what media it is.
Does it have to be canon to count for a fill? Nope! While we encourage you to polish your piece, we will count things towards the bingo that include non-canon features, or aren't quite finished enough to be canon. You can have fun with the Muse Fusion without worrying about whether or not you get the details exactly right. If you want, the canon board can work with you later to fix anything, or we can post it to the site as non-canon!
When do we see prizes? Prizes become visible when a fill is declared.
When do we earn prizes? Creator prizes are only awarded if we get to a group Bingo! That's complete fills in a line of five in any direction, including diagonal. What's more, if we get to that group Bingo with four or more creators involved (anywhere on the card!), prompters also get a round of prizes! All fills on the board will get their prizes, not just the bingo-winning line. And if we get to a blackout, with five or more creators involved, every prize is doubled!
What if my filled squares aren't in the bingo line? You'll still get your prizes if we get to them as a group!
What if I win the prize I donated? I'll make a swap for you from an unclaimed square.
As a bonus!
Elizabeth has donated sponsorships for some of her poems and writing; if we get one creator participating, there will be one poem of up to 25 lines, if two creators participate, there will be a second poem up to 40 lines. At three creators, a third poem up to 60 lines will be unlocked, and at four creators, a epic poem is sponsored, and if we have five creators AND a bingo blackout, we will unlock a myth up to 1000 words. There will be a poll of a selection of the available pieces at the close of the Muse Fusion, on Tuesday.
Questions? Ideas? Let me know!
Let's get creatin'!