Jun 29, 2006 20:15


I know I know... I said I was buying a Jetta.....but uhhh that didn't go so well.
So I found an 89 Jeep Cherokee Laredo. Its slate blue. 4 liter motor. Straight six. omfffggg i'm in love with it. It needs a little TLC here and there, but it's currently driveable. It just needs little things, like shocks and an allignment, and the tires need to be balanced and what not. eeeeekk!!! I'm PUMPED. I have my OWN vehicle. I feel amazingley independent right now! I got to drive it home and everything. I was like WOOOHOO!!!!

I will post pictures when my stupid cousin gives me my camera back.
(He's not really stupid, I like him a lot, he was just in a bad mood today)

I also got my friggen haircut- FINALLY. its wicked short, guys....like u wouldnt believe that I.....yes....Stacey....me....cut my hair this short.....gahhhh it's SO cute. I have bangs!!!!! Weeeeeee!!!!

Ahhhh so Hyper. So i'm goin out to fireworks with Kace tomorrow night and Saturday night and it's gonna be soooo much fun cuz I think Nile is coming with us Tomorrow night. I can't WAITTT!!! I love this time of year. I love summer. I love life. Oh, and I love thunderstorms cuz we totally had one today, YESSS!

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