(no subject)

Oct 11, 2011 23:30

So long Denver Co and hello Mo. The transition has not been an easy one. Last few days were spent next to misery. Saturday the crew arrived to a flooded barn that had horses standing in water up to their ankles.

The decision was made to move everyone and everything inside so we set to work mucking stalls, walking horses to the convienently preexisting inside stalls, and shuttling all equipment to our new location. The weather outside is what made our work arduous... cold, rainy, and dry air. We worked from 8 am to 10 pm doing what would constitute as a load out.

By the end of the day the tent, stalls, and rubber was packed, all horses were moved, and I was physically beat up. Cuts, bruises, dry cracked skin, and wind burn...

Next day was a little better. Load out lasted till about 10 pm and there was less pain involved. I stayed inside and mucked every stall while the men were outside cleaning the dirt pen that the horses had been able to run freely in.

Its very frusterating how people here claim that this circus operates like the military (be where you are assigned at a certain time, work long hard hours without feeling exhausted, be in uniform, answer to your supervisor for everything, and dont try to move up the ranks before you deserve to...) but nothing is run like the military! Nothing operates like a well oiled machine and no one communicates enough for work to be more than an arbitrary method of people completing task after task. Its whatever tho.

Im becoming more bold at work... Wether people like it or not (they dont) Im grooming horses, tacking them up, leading them the way I feel is appropriate, reacting to mistakes in the show, and responding to emergency situations as fast as possible. Making myself a part of the action at work is the best way to feel alive and Taba doesnt seem to mind it... Its his wife who seems to care, but honestly, I dont really care about the humans I work with anymore. The animals well being is my top priority.

Goals: Find a different job, one that allows me to thrive
Think long and hard on the possibilities of grad school including money
Continue physical learning such as deep stretching, massage therapy, supplements, and acrobatics
Tolerate humans to better care for the equines.

This train run has been alright. Slept waaaayyyy too much and miss people back home terribly. I am a different person now... stronger and less emotional but probably less pleasant.

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