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Aug 09, 2004 16:57

summers been okay. spent mostly with danny rox nd sabo. not bad. i guess. ahh yes. my birthday. very cool. went out to eat with my mom dad nd danny at some restaurant very nice. me nd danny took a nice walk to look at the ocean nd boats nd shit nd ahh. it was juss loverrrly<333. nd thenn after we went back in to eat i juss hung with him. went driving with him..then to his house blah blahhhh..nd then to my house which he dropped me off nd went to sabos. for a bit. nd then after a few minutes told me to go outt nd then found roxxy nd sabo in there..went back to roxxys nd then she brought me a cake nd they sang happy bday for me. yayyy i felt soo loveded. nd we juss all hung around..went driving againn (its becoming quite a habit) nd thenn all back to my house nd juss chilled for a while. nd then..umm. i forgot what else lol. but ahh that was the day i felt the most loveded. i gots chocolates nd money nd shizzy nd everybody called me up saying happy bday. ahh. they remembered!! =) nnddd hrmm. i dunno what else to say realli. umm besides that. juss. i feel like a bitch lately. i could say that i've been a bitch with danny lately. =\ nd then i wonder afterwards why i did so. sd#@$23wesdkjfakl4$#T#6$&%#@!@@ i hate being soo emotional. i need to calm down. but besides that..its only been over stoopid shit..things have been good between us. pretty happy =) nd yesterday was great. since he knew how much i wanted to go to a beach with him he drove me there unexpectedly nd we juss walked around, looking at the moon nd water. ahh. soo pretty nd romantic. <33 i'll never forget that. nd then we later got in a liddle fit about me thinking he's getting sick of me. nd he called me back up saying to sneak out..cause he had come to visit me..to prove he wasnt getting sick of me. aww. i feel like a liddle obsessive fruit typing all this but whatever. ::sigh:: i love that kid. but on other news. MY HOUSE WAS SOLDDD. FUCKING YAYYYYYYY@!!!! ::COUGHCHOKE:: yehh. chinese people bought it. whoo friggen hoo. nd then my mom finds out that APARTMENTS WONT TAKE HER CAUSE THEY NEED TO KNOW PROOF OF MONEY SHE MAKES or something like that nd since she self employed she cant or i dunno some bullshit. butttt it all comes down to her basically not being able to rent an apartment. so she MIGHT have to either: a)live in someones basement. b) live in someones attic. or c) move to north carolina to live with her boyfriend. soooo she pretty much has her life screwed. nd same with me. cause i dont wanna live in ne of those places. but i feel realli bad. nd my dad is not doing that great. ermmm. he IS getting a house. BUTTTTT he's also gonna buy one with my aunt nd my cousin. soo..i might have to live with them. fuck. not soo fond of that. nd he already found a house nd is SUPPOSIBLY buying it. its fine with me. its prettyful. nd not far away at all from my soon-to-be-old house. right by mainstreet. hrmm. i could deal with it. butt yehh. i dunno. this divorcing/moving shit is too fucking much. i hate it. nd im gona miss my nice room UPSTAIRS with a roof i could climb onto nd sit on nd my pretty white ceiling with gold sparkles nd my nice decent sized closet ndd ::Sigh:: i juss hate this all. i wish it were a fuckign nightmare so i could juss wake up nd everything would be all better. =( i dunno.
blehh. i need to hang out with more people tho..MUCH MOREEE. cause i miss them all. ::sniffers::

blehh summers almost over. i dont wanna go back to skool. not at all. not looking foward to another hell...
im way too negative.
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