Feb 04, 2009 14:14
Here are a few quotes from a book by Nicolas Slonimksy called "Lexicon of Musical Invective"
A collection of bad reviews :)
of Mozart:
"Too many notes, my dear Mozart!"
"overloaded and overstuffed."
of Beethovin:
"learned and always learned and nothing natural, no song."
of Chopen:
"In search of ear-rending dissonances, torturous transitions, sharp modulations, repugnant contortions of melody and rhythm, Chopin is altogether indefatigable"
of Brahms:
"It must be admitted that to the larger part of our public, Brahms is still an incomprehensible terror."
of Wagner:
"We see plainly the savage vulgar faces, we hear curses, we smell vodka..."