After the recent talks of banning gay priests the pope who has been visiting the US for the anniversary of the UN human rights declaration was quoted in Slate saying the following:
I would not speak at this moment about homosexuality, but pedophilia, which is another thing. And we would absolutely exclude pedophiles from the sacred ministry" Is it me, or is this completely and utterly retarded? And I’m not saying from my athiestprogressosanfrancisco point of view...I'm saying in general, this is completely logically retarded. I mean first of all the Catholic Church has been liking pedophilia and homosexuality into one category ever since the 2002 scandals which in itself is retarded, but mentioning the two together while on a UN Human Rights visit and then confirming that pedophilia would be banned? As in, they have not yet been banned, but we are working on getting that on in the books?