May 24, 2004 12:50
So, I just took my Food Dynamics and Chem II exams. I hope I did well, but I probably failed both.
My weekend sucked, I didn't leave Decatur because of reasons.
Sunday really pissed me off for some reason..Not sure why, I was just angry.
I've decided to starve myself for awhile.I'm starting to feel fat. I've battled with this before, and willingly retreated from the war.But, what can I say, the violence lures me back in.Congratulations, youre dying, becoming only bones.
I haven't cut in awhile. Not that I haven't thought of it though. I'm trying to stay strong. It's been 1 week and 4 days. Congratulations, you've stopped screaming at your arms.
My left ear is gauged out to 3/4 in. now. Looks cool, starting on the other soon. Congratulations, you're still evolving, still not real.
Congratulations!You're still you, so stand in front of the mirror,and smile, right before you fall down.