Nov 24, 2008 23:40
It is that time when my mood is changing. Usually it is a depressing feeling that I go to bed for to make me feel better, but this time the feeling is not depression... it is rage. These next upcoming days need to go smoothly or I fear my patients has found the end of its rope. It has been so long since I felt such anger. I hate this feeling, which is why I work so hard to control it. I want to scream, ravage, kill, destroy, burn, I everyone to feel the heat of my rage. I want this so badly and there is nothing I can direct my anger at. I need to calm down or I'll burst!!!
*gggrrrr* the seal for all this must be cracking. I thought I have managed to let it vent out a great deal but there is too much coming in than going out and it is only going to get worst. I HATE WHAT HAS TO BE DONE IF THIS DOESN'T SUBSIDE!!!!!!!!