Jun 07, 2005 20:37
Hmm....I dont really have alot to say at the moment. I'm bored. Heh. But thats nothing new. I did however learn what might be the basis behind me being so sick, a gas leak was discovered in my office of where I work at so hopefully that takes care of that problem. Suppose we will see. I'm a bit miffed about my job still because I have a shitload of paperwork to do and a small amount of time to do it in. I should have help, I mean hello I'm the Assistant Manager not the Manager which means I am suppose to be assisting him with all of this and not doing ALL of the freaking work. Like yesterday, I was sick as a dog so I didnt go in so he had to take rent and he messed up I dont know how many rent cards and who has to get it straightened out? You got it, yours truly. NOT to mention the whole ordeal of where all of our files are going to be inspected this month which is why everything has to be ship shape and thats a pain in the ass when you feel like you're accomplishing little, gives a whole new meaning to 'pissing in the wind'. Guess the reason I am so ticked is because management before us did very little and I had to fix her mistakes, she was there for five freaking years and was never checked and now that we are there and I am trying to get everything in working order and now the place is going to be checked out? Geez, talk about your lousy breaks. So yeah I'm pissed....