Nov 06, 2004 10:48
hmm just a quick lil update :)
`its saturday
`my parents are out of town for the weekend for some wedding
`manno came over to my house for the night for the very first time, kinda weird but went okay
`just got called into work 5 mins ago so i have to work a double today.. what would they do without me haha
`i think i broke my foot, something is very messed up with it, but im still working
`have to call stetson and edison and fgcu monday to get my shit straightened out
`picked out my schedule already.. intro to criminology, statistics, comp II, cultural anthropology and a couple other shit classes that are mandatory
`i wanna go away for a vacation
`planning a jamaica spring break trip.. either a 7 day cruise or just flying down there for 7 days :)
`i miss him already.. and hes only been gone for a few hours..
`shower time, work in 30 mins
<3 yall, miss yall