Amanda calmly walked over to Toriyama, stopping directly in his way. "Is it true? That you have information on everyone in this school? More than what they already put out I mean." She asked it softly, but her eyes watched him carefully.
Amanda looked at him thoughtfully before a slow smile came to her lips. "Do you really think I'm eerie?" She cocked her head to the side, staring at him carefully, as though to see if she could catch him if he should lie and deny it.
"Quite frankly I did think you were eerie when we first meet. It isn't that way anymore though, you see that notebook is mainly first impressions at most. They didn't show the pages with the more detailed descriptions that I add to constantly." Ichiro said reassuringly.
Amanda poked herself as though trying to figure out what would be eerie before seeming to completely forget. "Senpai, I have a question for you. Since you seem to know so much information about students, I was wondering, do you have access to the student's medical records?" She seemed to be bothered by her own question, though it seemed to be a slight bother, as though she might not want him to know what illnesses she might have had as a child or something.
'I hope he doesn't have access to anything like that.....I think I'm missing three years of information.' she thought.
"Actually yes I can access it if I need it but its a pain."
The school kept the medical records of each student on file but it was on the school's computer system so it took to much time to look at when he felt like it. He only looked at those worth it like the twins. Even enough so to find out the hospitals they use and get the whole family records. Ichiro had a hacker friend help with all that though. The point was Ichiro didn't need to see what the kids were allergic too and what procedures were to take place when repetitive medical issues take place. It was of little importance to him.
"Why? Do you want me to look something up for you on someone. I don't think its appropriate to do such a thing so I'd have to decline." he didn't want to give himself a worse image.
"I don't have an interest in anyone's medical records, but I don't like the idea of mine being accessible to a student. I'd rather have that information left solely to the adults." Amanda said, disapproval clear in her voice.
From the way he'd answered, she guessed that he never bothered to look at her information, but if he had access to it and felt like checking on her on a whim, then he'd find that information would be missing, which would probably raise questions.
"Oh please it isn't accessible to students only to the headmaster. Having the headmaster as a grandfather has its privileges though. I have never looked at any ones medical records asides from my good friend Miki's and that was only to see if I could hack into it I also had his permission to experiment with his file too."
"I'm not evil like the twins are trying to make me out to be. I have no intentions to look at your file if your worried as well as any of the other students that attend. I mean I never even looked at the twins files for crying out loud and I despise them. I have more honor then that." Personally he knew what girls were like insecure about their looks and features he guessed Amanda might have on file conditions of eating disorders and minor things like that. Still her approaching him about her concerns of him peeking into her records had intrigued him.
Amanda blinked at him, looking a bit thoughtful. She didn't really understand honor as far as normal people went. With her background, honor wasn't something she really ever saw. She'd been taught from a young age to take any information and make sure to keep it for use against people, though she was pretty terrible at using what information she could obtain about people to her own advantage. She'd seen her aunt, as well as people in the Yakuza, use information to blackmail or completely manipulate people, but she didn't have a delicate enough approach to do the same.
"I don't understand honor. It seems almost foolish to me. But I was raised mostly in America...where moral standards are....well, almost none existent really." Amanda said before looking at her watch. "......I'll see you later, Senpai...I have to get to class."
She gave him a bright, almost clueless smile before bowing politely and turning to head toward her class.
Ichiro watched her go before moving off himself. If it was going to be this easy to reassure the student body of his loyalty today wouldn't be as bad as he thought it would.
'I hope he doesn't have access to anything like that.....I think I'm missing three years of information.' she thought.
The school kept the medical records of each student on file but it was on the school's computer system so it took to much time to look at when he felt like it. He only looked at those worth it like the twins. Even enough so to find out the hospitals they use and get the whole family records. Ichiro had a hacker friend help with all that though. The point was Ichiro didn't need to see what the kids were allergic too and what procedures were to take place when repetitive medical issues take place. It was of little importance to him.
"Why? Do you want me to look something up for you on someone. I don't think its appropriate to do such a thing so I'd have to decline." he didn't want to give himself a worse image.
From the way he'd answered, she guessed that he never bothered to look at her information, but if he had access to it and felt like checking on her on a whim, then he'd find that information would be missing, which would probably raise questions.
"I'm not evil like the twins are trying to make me out to be. I have no intentions to look at your file if your worried as well as any of the other students that attend. I mean I never even looked at the twins files for crying out loud and I despise them. I have more honor then that." Personally he knew what girls were like insecure about their looks and features he guessed Amanda might have on file conditions of eating disorders and minor things like that. Still her approaching him about her concerns of him peeking into her records had intrigued him.
"I don't understand honor. It seems almost foolish to me. But I was raised mostly in America...where moral standards are....well, almost none existent really." Amanda said before looking at her watch. "......I'll see you later, Senpai...I have to get to class."
She gave him a bright, almost clueless smile before bowing politely and turning to head toward her class.
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