This was a Tumblr post....that somehow turned into a Doctor/Rose mini-fic?

Dec 04, 2010 09:13


And after this, they have a long and initially awkward discussion about everything that came out while Cassandra was in their heads. They are both forced to admit, of course, that they are attracted to each other and for a few moments each worries that this means the end of their friendship, that knowing this they can never go back to the way things were. They’re right. And they can’t possibly move forward….can they?

The Doctor decides that, after such a long day, this is no time to be discussing the possibility of having to send Rose home. He suggests that perhaps it’s time for bed. She says she isn’t tired in the least, and when does he ever sleep anyway? He shifts awkwardly, rubbing his neck, hoping she doesn’t really intend to push the subject right then. But, instead, she suggests that they could watch a movie…or something. Somehow she feels that if she were to let him wander off alone into the recesses of the TARDIS, she’d never get him back. Not about to argue, he walks quietly along beside her to the room that contains an enormous screen, a couch, and his extensive intergalactic media collection. She lets him pick the film and his hands drift to the Earthly ones, ones she’d recognize, something neutral. A few minutes later The Princess Bride is beginning to play and they are both sitting on the couch, hands in laps, with definite, regulated space between their bodies. Eventually, they begin laughing at the on-screen antics, commenting on the plot, The Doctor relates an anecdote about how he met man a almost exactly like Miracle Max on a planet called Tollyrus.

By the time the princess is being rescued, the pair have fallen back into their usual, comfortable rapport. The silence is no longer awkward and they have unconsciously migrated to be pressed shoulder-to-shoulder. It’s almost as though their earlier conversation has been entirely forgotten. It’s when Rose rests her head upon his shoulder a moment later that The Doctor realizes it hasn’t been. His remarkable mind is suddenly full of activity as he perceives the softness of her cheek and catches the scent of her hair.  She has done this before, rest her head upon him, even in his previous, daft old body…but he can’t help but wonder what she means by this actions now. What has she ever meant by this action? And, more importantly, what does he mean as his hand finds hers where it rests in the narrow space between their legs and links their fingers?

As the credits start rolling and Rose lifts her head and looks up and him, as he meets her gaze evenly and with a soft smile, there really aren’t any necessary words. They’ve both spent enough time talking, and it’s really only ever gotten in the way. In the end, it had taken someone else speaking through their mouths to let out what had been in their heads for so long. So, without wasting any time worrying about wording or tone, the Doctor slowly dips his head and presses his lips softly against Rose Tyler’s.

And that was that.

doctor/rose, fanfiction, doctor who, rose tyler, ten

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