gacked from gondoriangirl which was first gacked by boriel...

Sep 11, 2004 23:17

Things I would love to learn to do:

play guitar....and actually, I am going to be learning Bass, so that's pretty cool...
drive.....Goodness! if lessons weren't so gosh dang expensive....
play violin
jazz dance....hopefully I'll be doing that this summer
how to design clothes....I have a knack for it, and if I can't get into the movie business through acting, I'll do it through costume design (or script writing)
swing dance
speak Itallian...or at least learn how to spell the dang word *rolls eyes at self*
sing in's funny, I can speak Spanish (sort of) but the song we're doing in Madrigals that is spanish I can't get a word of it.....
speak fluently in different accents

hehe...I better start saving my money ;-)
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