First Entry

Aug 31, 2006 14:10

Alright, let's see if I can get this right on my second try (first try aborted due to being forced to hustle out the door.. silly friends). Today isn't going very well. I'm quite sleepy (though, to be fair, having to walk home in the rain helped that somewhat), kinda depressed, my muscle spasms are recurring and are getting worse, and I have friends sending angry emails to me over something I had nothing to do with (and I can't quite understand what exactly got him so upset - all I know is it had to do with his co-workers, and he was giving up advocating freedom of speech and Linux (the latter of which prompted a 'What in the nine hells?' response from me, as he's quite the Linux fanatic). On the up side, my bad day (and bad week) have prompted me to finally start writing with this account, which I only got to comment in a friend's journal (something I actually haven't done yet, primarily due to thinking I need to be marked as a friend of hers to comment). Oh, and my girlfriend gets back from camp today. Still trying to figure out if that's a good or a bad thing, as our relationship isn't going so well. Fairly typical fare for me, really. I tend not to be assertive enough to have good relationships, and I'm too shy to meet many new people. Anyways, I can tell that I'm just rambling on, so I'm just going to end it here.

See y'all!
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