Borrowing a meme from revelininsanity

Nov 29, 2008 09:50

Alright, revelininsanity. You told me to keep my LJ semi-up to date, so I'm going to try. But I have real issues with this blogging thing, so - to start with - borrowing a meme from your LJ. Since you're the only one to read this, enjoy!

1. What are your nicknames?

No real nicknames in my personal life, but my co-workers give nicknames to everyone, so I have two - 'Bobert' and Sheriff.

2. How do you style your hair?

Brush cut, plain and simple.

3. What's new in your life right now?

Broken arm, and a new counterpart at work.

4. How many colors are you wearing now?

White, green, orange, black. Four.

5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?

Introvert, hands down. I have difficulty interacting with others, but my place of employment is slowly helping me learn to interact with others.

6. What was the last book you read?

'Sucks to be me', about a teenager with vampire parents, who needs to choose whether or not to become a vampire herself. I loved it so much that, when I finished reading it, I almost went back to page one and started over when I noticed the time and had to get back to work. (I love my job - I get to read at work)

7. Do you nap a lot?

Sleep a lot, yes. Nap, no. My naps usually turn into eight hour plus rest periods.

8. If the person you secretly like is already taken, what would you do?

In my case, secretly pine after them but do nothing. Same thing I wind up doing when the person I secretly like isn't taken (and there's no-one I openly like in this manner).

9. What did you want to be when you grew up?

I didn't really think about it a lot until I was in my early teens, when I wanted to be a computer programmer.

10. What was the last thing you ate today?

A Papa Burger, from A&W.

11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Going to re-word this as 'at night', since I work midnights, and the answer is twenty minutes to half an hour.

12. What websites do you visit daily?

Facebook, ENWorld, my ISP's webmail site, and a number of webcomics - Misfile, El Goonish Shive, PVP, Abby's Agency.

13. Do you believe in nail polish/varnish/enamel?

Being a fairly typical guy in this regard, nope.

14. Do you like to clean?

I don't like it, but I don't mind it - I can't, since cleaning is most of my job.

15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?

Feist's 'One, Two, Three, Four' or whatever it's called.

16. What are you doing right now?

Writing this post, playing a game, and exercising my arm.

17. What's better: eternal love or memorable love?

Eternal love, methinks, though I'm fairly certain there's no such thing.

18. What would you do if you see $100 lying on the ground?

Unless the owner was obvious, I'd probably keep it. There's no way to track the owner down in nearly any instance like that. If the owner was obvious, or there was some way to track them down, I'd give it back.

19. Best time of your life?

No singular event really sticks out, so probably that period of time just before finishing a really good book. I get sad when I finish one, but just before.. that's absolutely golden.

20. Tell me something good.

I get my days off this week! Yay!
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