hey you, yes...you.
femme_liqueur, are you working Thursday? because if you're not we should hang out. i think (and should know for a fact by tomorrow night) that i'm going to be in Cincy for the Rainer Maria show this Thursday and was just wondering what you might be up to.
it's hot like a mofo in here all of the sudden. i wore a t-shirt under my sweater today because i can't not wear anything under the sweater and i didn't want to wear a button down because albeit cute, it would have been way too hot and we can't wear (according to the dress code) t-shirts here at work and...well...the sweater just came off and the supervisors better not say a damn word about it. it's after 5 so there's probably only one supervisor left around here...they usually don't circulate to our account anyway after 5. let's hope... if they do come over i'll just explain to them that i'd rather be able to work and get paid but if they want me to spontaneously combust, by all means i'll put the sweater back on...
skittles. i truly am addicted to skittles. i smelled them earlier while a co-worker was enjoying the candy coated sugary goodness and had to have some. and now i do. and now...my mouth is happy.
i took a couple pictures today of Mary and Jessica V and Jessica Y and Scott at work...i think i'll post those in my PhotoJournal (
starsfadetoday), along with a few pictures i took over the weekend of the cows and things where i live now.
sometimes i wonder if it's wrong to wonder if people have alterior motives. not so much 'wrong' but...not having much faith in humanity...i guess. i rarely smile, i smile when i'm amused, i smile when i find something particularly satisfying but when i'm just sitting...i don't smile. now..some people think i look like i'm ready to mame and murder when i don't smile. i'm sorry about that but...really...that face is different than my normal no smile face. it's that and the fact that i'm horribly shy...i try i really try to smile when a stranger and i exchange glances and it's been getting easier especially since i moved back to kentucky because i've sort of had this talk with myself about doing it. whether the other people smile back you know, it's human nature, i'm a nice person...smile dammit. and really...99% of the people i've met since h.s. have made the comment that they thought i was a really big bitch before they actually knew me and it wasn't due to hearing things about me or anything, it was purely due to my not smiling enough apparently. but anyway, i get lost because i'm schizo, so the point of my rant really is this...now when a stranger and i exchange glances, if they smile i can't help but wonder...are they really doing it because they're kind human beings or are they doing it because they have to and are fake? i've been thinking about people a lot lately just because...trying to figure the whole thing out i suppose. i don't know i mean you meet someone who you think is a great friend and who you consider to be a very close one and they turn around and surprise you with a 'oops...sorry you made that mistake, your friendship means nothing to me' high-and-mighty approach to life...and then you realize...you obviously didn't really know that person at all.
wow...i think my time at work after 5pm might be healthy. when we get low call volume all i do is write-er-up in lj lol
yep...no more tonight i promise.