okay i guess since i'm at work and in between calls and bored i'll throw out my two cents on the l word episode last night. i think i'll just post it here instead of
lword because when i post there i get 40 replies to things and i just kinda wanna say what i think and not hear 40 'i agree' or 40 'this is how it went down' replies so...if you do want to reply that's fine...okay that was very unnecessary explanation.
Tina's (Laurel Holloman) always beautiful on the show but last night...is it just me or was there something even more 'wow' about her? felt bad for Marina that she didn't get to join in on all the fun, i guess she was busy paying her dues to Francesca. i think it was totally in character for Tina to have asked Jenny to come along because shes a loser (Jenny not Tina) and Tina being the good natured (probably piscean!) that she is feels sorry for her. someone had made a comment either on the lword community or something somewhere that i read that mentioned that and anyway.
how funny is alice's mother? makes me not wonder where her humour came from. i think it's funny that i refer to them as...real people. but i guess when you relate to such things...anyway. i knew Shane would fall for Cherie. i doubt i'm the only one who was thinking Shane was going to tell Cherie all that 'i miss you blah blah i love you' crap when she stopped and said bye instead. hello...40,000 women there who would willingly be grateful to the gods if they could hook up with Shane and she didn't flirt with not a one! it was cute...and so was her coming out story because it was so cute i scrunched and laughed at the same time. 'that girl stole my sunshine meal toy...then she stole my heart' hahaha AWWWWW sweet.
anyway...yes. and as much as i hate cheating and cheaters...i have to admit i wanted Bette and Candace to kiss but mostly to satisfy my selfish hormonal self because i wanted to see Candace kiss SOMEONE because she's hot and...yeah it was hot. but i'm also glad that Bette immediately afterward broke down and cried. anyway...Candace is too hot for anyones good really unless you're the one who gets her hm.
annnnyway Jenny is stupid and i really just kind of wish she wasn't on the show at all. i really like Mia Kirshner though, but this character makes me want to rip her skeezy hair out. she's far too neurotic, far too psychotic and a few more 'otics' that i don't have the time to list. when i found out this ep was written by Guinevere Turner i said 'oh...explains a bit' because of the sketchyness. it didn't flow very well in comparison with other shows and that'd be why. i like Guin but...i like her better visually than her writing or god forbid her acting which on the show thankfully was much better than on Go Fish which i couldn't even finish watching because the acting made me want to die.
Dana Dana Dana...i understand the need to get laid...i really do. don't latch on to some psycho babbling cat hater because you want that affection. even i myself am not that desperate. that makes me sad...because you know...Dana is inevitably going to be fucked over i just don't want to think how bad it might be for her and her career.
by far the best scene in the whole ep was at the end when Dana is creeping back into the room, when she puts the key in the door Alice pushes Jenny (who has just sat up in bed) back into the lying position, takes a literal flying leep back into bed with Tina and pretends to sleep until Dana gets close enough for a lunge. it made me so giddy...i couldn't stop laughing it was that cute. Matt and i enjoyed it, and the whole episode to be precise.
oh and i was sad that the flashback of Alice in her coming out story didn't showcase her singing...considering Leisha Hailey is the shit i figured they might tap into that. apparently not PSHA
oh and bette had such 80s hair in that story, funnyyyyy.