(no subject)

May 06, 2005 00:13

You Know You're Addicted to Friends When...

You named your cats Chandler and Phoebe (no, but I had a fish I named Phoebe...)

You have had dreams where you're the seventh Friend. (check)

You *seriously* consider naming your future daughter Emma. (check)

You can tell within 10 seconds of the beginning of the episodes exactly which one it is - and you can instantly remember what will happen. (check)

You can't go one day without a Friends reference. (check)

You are forever writing scripts for a Friends movie and sending them in (even if you have received several thousand rejection letters) (nope)

Your favourite words are - Doi, Yuh-hu and Nu-uh (don't know about favorite, but I use Chandler's voice at times)

You only ever buy magazines because they have something to do with FRIENDS in them (not ONLY but I have bought magazines for the sole purpose of one Friends article)

You get your hair cut like Jennifer Aniston's (even if it looks terrible on you) (check...but i don't think it looked terrible on me :P)

You are able to perfectly re-enact every episode line-by-line (check)

You are always refering to real life incidents as 'The One With......' (i kid you not, i've done this before)

You have made a soundtrack out of all of Phoebe's songs and you listen to it all day long (actually i asked jenny to do it for me but yup, check)

You've taped every episode of FRIENDS since the very first one, and watch the tapes continually (i actually just bought all the episodes but check)

You refuse to drink any beverage (especially coffee/tea) if it isn't served in one of the cups like the ones they have at Central Perk (nope)

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to Friends. (check)
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