
Mar 07, 2005 23:18

So, Tori's party was fun. We galavanted all over town at all hours of the night. But, it turns out that her parent's weren't as cool with it as she expected (as I'm sure you've read) so, she's gounded. I suppose that has some interesting conotations. On the one hand gounding is a bit of a childish punnishment and Tori is eighteen and as thus an adult. But on the other hand they have never really been big on punnishing her (by not being big on it I mean that they never did, by Tori's own admission). Maybe if they had made the fact that they don't want her throwing parties with them not being there she wouldn't have been quite so flagrent about it.

But there is more, Tori dropped two of her classes and didn't tell anyone about it (I only found out about it today) and her mom came home today to find that she wasn't at school and was... upset. I am sure that the class dropping added to the gounding. Again, I'm not so sure that they were wrong about getting mad on this one, the fac that she didn't tell anyone that she had dropped the classes proves that she knew that what she was doing was wrong. She says that she misses a lot of it when she was sick, but I don't remember her being sick for that long, and besides if she was sick and missing class why didn't she talk to the professor so she and make amends. The school may have rules about marking down based on attendence but usually professors are human and are willing to at least try to work with their studdents. She also said that she missed the mid-term and that there was no make-ups. Clearly she knew this before she missed it, personally I think that she should have forced herself out of bed and at least try to take it, a lousy grade is always a lot better than a zero. And besides, when I was down there she managed to get up and move about with out dying of a congested nose. I guess the point I am making is that she doesn't take college seriously, she is paying (or rather her parents are) for it, why wouldn't she take it serious.

I worry so much about her. She has so many plans and goals that I fear she is going to be dissapointed about if she doesn't start taking some responsibility in the world. She just can't coast through life playing computer games and watching Harry Potter. She is going to bitch and moan at me for writing all of this but hey, she told me to update often, so here is an update and an honest one at that. I really really reallyhope that she wakes up the the fact that she actually has to pay attention to these classes and do the assignments, even if she doesn't like the teacher or the assignment.

I love you Tori, please take all that for what it was, not for something you want to make it...
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