Going Friends ONLY

Dec 05, 2013 01:14

thanks Laura for the banner :)

Can someone make a friend only saiunkoku banner *any image will do*? *puppy eyes*.
I didn't think it'd come to this but frankly I don't feel like sharing my daily blah blah/nonsense or important stuff with strangers. I also will downscale my friend list. If you want to remain on my friend list post a comment to this entry Shadow you don't have to worry about posting cuz you're like my goddess :P
There are a few others (you know who you are) that I'll keep regardless.

Lastly can someone tell me how the hell to make the journal friends only. I won't bother locking past posts cuz they're just that the past...

Edit: O_O will be updating my friendlist at the end of the week but for now all those who commented so far will be added to friendlist. Yay it's like massive spring cleaning except it's not spring time lol
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