Woke up ridiculously early - about 6 am - and decided to head to the dining room to do some soduku. The lodge owner had already lit incense and was playing tibettan chants. Made for a cold but nice atmosphere early in the morning.
After breakfast we headed off by about 8am. Two and a half hours of solid walking later we arrived at Lukla. After lunch we exchanged some US$ to local currency as we were running a bit low and wanted to buy the porter and guide dinner and drinks tonight. After watching planes and helicopters land a few times, (check out
Lukla Airport) we re-packed out bags for airplane travel and chatted the day away.
In the evening we met up with our guide and porter and bought them dinner and drinks as planned. We also gave them their tips and after finding out they're not vegetarian (I've no idea where we got that notion from!!) we also gave them the leftover metwurst for trekking. I was pretty tired so I headed to sleep around 7 while Kempy had some more drinks with them and watched some local TV.