Random Update...

Aug 22, 2010 22:42

I know i really don't update this as much as i should. Especially since i'm in LJ alot... like a whole lot.

I usually come on here to read fanfic from some awesome spn/leverage writers... i actually spend way more time on that than i should. But that's neither here, nor there...

What i am updating about right now... is the fact that i'm utterly and totally exhausted with dealing with friends who never come through for me. Completely sick of it! I just don't know what it is about me that says... "hey... let's cancel on Tori... she won't mind!"

Well guess what!! I do fucking mind!!! I love my friends dearly... the few i actually consider good friends, and i probably would forgive them anything... actually i do forgive them anything, cause they keep doing this shit to me, over and over and over again, and for some reason i just keep coming back for more.

You would think i would just say screw them, but i can't. As i previously mentioned i have few that i consider good friends to begin with, and i'd like to keep them if i could, but they make it hard sometimes... well alot of the times actually.

And fuck all if it doesn't hurt like a bitch when this shit happens again and again. I'm done whining...

for now.
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