Greetings, LJ-land! It's keen quite a while since I was on here. So much has happened. Most importantly, I now have a full-time, permanent job: YEY!
I'm a Support Worker with Mencap, offering support to people with learning disabilities in their own homes.
I've been there for nearly 6 months. It truly is a wonderful, if very tiring, job! I work mixed days and sleepovers, and in fact I'm there right now!
I've just DL'd this LJ Android app, so no doubt you'll get many more posts from me. Bear in mind, I will likely complain about being tired - this is now a normal state of life for me now!
I may not get time to read through my flist, not while on mobile interbobs, so if anyone would like to give me a.brief synopsis of life and fandom, please do so! :D
Also, I am on Twitter, for anyone who would like to add me...I'd love to be able to keep up with you all more.regularly, and I'm on there quite a bit! Add me? @littlefroggle
Going to do a little bit of work now - I'm on a sleepover tonight, but shift finishes at 10pm for bedtime.
Sweet dreams, you beautiful people!
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LiveJournal app for Android.