Of Absent-minded-ness and Apologies...

Jun 26, 2009 20:07

...and I think that the apology part should come first. I am so very sorry that I have been AWOL for so long! My last entry was in April, I believe, and there aren't really excuses good enough...reasons, perhaps, but no excuses.

So, on to the reasons!

Firstly, there was the damned dissertation to finish, which was handed in on 24th April; bloody hell! That is one exercise that I never want to repeat. But, one day I will...I will have to, if I want the certificate with MA scrawled next to my name. And yet...the thought makes me shudder at the moment, the pain is still too near.
Then there was the 2 hour Modernist Literature exam on the 12th May, in which I scribbled furiously about James Joyce and Katherine Mansfield...there may have been a little bit of Freud in there, too, if I remember correctly. That one seemed to go really well, but I shall have to wait a little while
Ah, yes. Then there was the 3,000 word Victorian Literature research project on 13th May. That little beauty consisted of my ramblings on the Gothic, Wuthering Heights, and Jane Eyre. I actually really liked doing that one, and thankfully my grades reflect that!
There were two or three Creative Writing assignments thrown in the mix, just because my tutors felt that life wasn't difficult enough, so they decided to chuck in a 4 page abstract poem, a reflection on what it means to be a poet and the finer points of writing poetry, and I'm sure there was another one...my poor mind is so traumatised that it seems to have wiped out that one, though.

And now we move on to the absent-minded-ness, but I think that that one is pretty self-explanatory! I was just being me...I really should stop that!

But, the major news is that I had my last lot of knee surgery on the 11th June. And I know that I'm in for some hell off a couple of you for not informing you in advance, and for that I truly apologise. But, again with the absent-minded-ness!

I'm doing quite well, actually, especially compared to the last round of surgery. I can walk fairly well, but I'm still far too wobbly to be left alone with things like pans full of water/food, etc. Which is a little bit of a bitch at the moment, considering that the microwave's get up and go got up and fucked off. So you can imagine how fun my lunch times are?!

aniad  came around to see me today, which was great! We played Animal Crossing DS (for we are sad!), and then Lizzy came home...ugh. But that's gonna take a WHOLE 'nother post, so it will have to wait!

Oh, and Aiden now has an allotment to grow lovely food in! You can see it at
ajs_gardendiary ...there are even pictures of me digging! HAHAHA!

Right, it's far too frigging warm to be sat with a laptop on my leg, so I'm off to find something to eat! Love and hugs to you all, and just in case I forget...

...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to pecos
 for tomorrow!!!
Have a great day, pet!
Love and hugs from Jo and Aiden
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