Exercise is good for you...my ARSE it is!

Mar 19, 2008 09:42

So on Monday, me and my housemate went swimming.

It was a right laugh - Kate discovered that she's too top heavy and kept sinking, I discovered that the easiest form was doggy paddle, and we both looked like right idiots.

We are going again as soon as possible! Hopefully with
aniad in tow this time.

Problem is, when I woke up on Tuesday, I had a pain in my neck when I tried to turn my head to the left. I don't know if it was from the swimming or if I'd slept funny the night before, but really...I don't much care.

I just wish that it would get better! It hurts like buggery, and none of the painkillers that I own will do a damned thing to make it stop hurting. Methinks a trip to the Chemist is on the cards...Ibuprofen is a waste of time at the best of times, but at this moment, I'm willing to try pretty much anything.

And should you ask (and rightly so) why I'm posting in my LJ at 9:45am, it's because I woke up at 8:00am for no apparent reason, and decided to get up, drink coffee, and watch Sky News.

The problem with that plan? My bloody DigiBox downstairs decided that it was NOT going to co-operate and put pictures on the TV. So, back upstairs to my trusty Sky+ Box it was...

...And now, I'm just plain bored.
gollum1971 went to work at 7:00am this morning, and I have no idea what time
aniad is coming through to mine...

It's just going to be another one of those days, isn't it?

life: being done over by..., ouchies

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