Feb 02, 2012 13:56
Well it looks like Amy is MIA again lol except this time her office wasn't even open and someone said she wasn't in today...Silly Amy. I love her but she's not the best at contacting me when we're supposed to get together, to at least tell me she can't make it. ooooh well.
So I'm taking a few minutes to write some thoughts and see if she shows up.
Interesting enough, I saw Ashley today. She has a class at 10 and came and saw me for a few minutes on her break. It was good to see her, it had been a long time. Gave her a big hug and she said she missed me, and it made a little sad, because I could tell she meant it. But it was nice to at least see her for a few minutes.
I'm really trying to keep up with this attitude adjustment. I want to try really hard to stop blaming everything for having a hard life and just start doing what I can and embracing life. I have a lot going for me and I have so many possibilities a head. But I also need to not just look to the future but start doing things now that are going to make a difference to me :)
Hence why I'm working out more, juggling more, writing more, and I'm really going to apply myself this semester in school. I'm determined to try really hard in this ENG class. I seriously love Elijah, he's a great teacher and sooo makes it worth it to drive out here.
I was really worried I was going to have a shitty eng class that I was only going to dread and hate.
God I love jamming out to my Toybox station :) blogging + music = a good time
Anyways, I like teachers who encourage you to think for yourself and not just write about what they tell you to write about. This is the BIGGEST and best difference between high school English and college English classes. They make you use your own brain instead of trying to shape it into what they think it should be.
Speaking of writing, I have a couple new poem idea's going around in my head that I need to get out here soon. I just have been waiting until I had a good leisure time to sit down and write them out without being pressed by time, which I usually am.
I'm so ready and excited about Using this creative brain of mine, I think I've been letting it sleep too long. This is the kind of person I'm meant to be.
I think this whole moving thing thats going to be happening and all the other changes in my life are really going to be for the best. I'm going to get a whole new start on some things and really apply myself in different ways. Im not going to be the Erin who just sat around and only did what she had to and only worried about everyone else.
I need to go dancing..lol this needs to happen. That was always one of things I would go to when I really need to release some my inner expression...just get out on the dance floor and Let.It.Out. Dont care what other people think, don't care about the world, just my own little world of the dance floor around me and rocking it out :) I miss this.
Well I'm going to check the office One more time, verify that she isn't there, and then work my way home and go hang out with Nathan! Woot :)
Loving today. So far. HAVE to keep this going.