Feb 13, 2006 20:00
It was deeply embarassing to watch Alberto Gonzales being questioned by the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding all of those illegal wiretaps. First off...they didn't bother to swear him in. BIG MISTAKE...HUGE!
Apparently, answering any questions regarding the NSA scandal made him "uncomfortable." WTF?! ...actually, I'm not surprised that answering these type of questions would make him uncomfortable. He is neck deep in shit. He is tap dancing like a mother ****
There was one ray of light though...
"I'm sorry mister Attorney General I forgot that you can't answer any questions that might be relevant to this."
-- Sen. Patrick Leahy. (D) - Vermont.
I'm kinda' in love with Leahy.
I'm so disgusted right now...see, this is why I don't normally talk about politics. I get HOMICIDAL! I feel so helpless in the face of such utter BULLSHIT!