(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 14:13

okayy so i havent updated in like foreverr
oh well i bet no one really looks anymore
the end of the summer kicked ass
yay for sand wrestling thats the cool thing to do
seeing adam like every day was awesome <3

lately theres pretty much just been school
 ive seen adam almost everyday after school
which is really awesome cause i was worried about not really seeing him that much
and its great cause i get to see my friends everyday now l
unch with sam nick and brent is always amusing

okayy so friday was adams grandpa's barbeque at his retirement place
that was really nice he remembered me, that felt really good
i found out that my grandpa was comming to my sweet16 after all =D
thursday he told me he wasnt comming =(
so the bbq was really nice,
i had a good time
then after we went to see Red Eye
it was really good not what i expected though
then we went back to my house

yesterday went to Catch22 with adam kristen mary charlie and shannon!
that was effing awesome of coursee
whole wheat bread was soo funny
they were black. haha rofl.
after we went over to 711 and got drinks and stuff
and we watched ants carry popcorn into their little ant hole
which for some reason was reallyreally amusing
two trains went by
shannon was like dying
it was funny =D
then after adam and i went to Red Lobster
mmmm endless shrimp yay
then we came back here and we watched the race

today i haven't done much of anything yet except looked at some pictures for my party and stuff
i think im hanging out with liz laterr yayayayayyay i havent seen her in like foreverr

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