MTR Part two

Jul 29, 2007 16:57

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

“Wilbur dear, can you go tell Cornelius that lunch will be ready in twenty minutes or so?” Lucille asked her tenant, smiling at the teen. Wilbur nodded, and began walking through the halls of the giant house toward Lewis’s laboratory, for that was where the blond would undoubtedly be.

As he came closer to the door, he heard a soft sound drifting out from behind the doors of Lewis’s private room. Scrunching his eyebrows, Wilbur took a step closer, and confirmed that he was in fact hearing music from Lewis’s room. Quietly, he slowly opened the door and slipped in. What he saw shocked him beyond words.

Lewis sat in the center of the room, playing softly on the guitar, eyes closed, a small smile on his face. He obviously hadn’t heard Wilbur enter, for he continued to play the beautiful melody. A second later, he began singing.

“And I’m drying out

Crying out

This isn’t how I go

Hurry now

Lay me down

And let these waters flow


Son I am not everything you thought that I would be

But every story I have told is part of me…”

Wilbur stood perfectly still, eyes wide and unbelieving. His dad… Lewis played guitar? Lewis sang? Why had he never known this? And Lewis’s face while playing… Oh God… He was beautiful, and serene, and just… Lewis.

Wilbur’s breath hitched, and the small sound broke the spell of serenity. Lewis’s eyes shot open, ceasing to play the instrument in his lap. At the sight of Wilbur standing open-mouthed near the door, Lewis smiled shyly.


“I didn’t know you played the guitar.” Wilbur blurted, ignoring the greeting. Lewis laughed lightly.

“Yeah, not many people do actually… In fact, I think just you and Franny know. It’s just something to do when I need somewhere to put all my surplus emotions, and inventing won’t do the trick.” Wilbur nodded blankly.

“I didn’t know you sang either… you sound amazing.” Wilbur said, immediately berating himself for the slip.

Lewis blushed. Wilbur found himself admiring how adorable it made the blond appear. “Yeah, well thanks. I don’t personally think so, but thanks.”

“Can I ask what song you were singing?” Wilbur asked curiously.

“It’s called “How I go” by Yellowcard. It’s a really gorgeous song.” Lewis informed the raven-haired teen.

“Oh.” An awkward silence fell between the two boys, thick with some unknown tension. Over what, neither knew. “Um… your mom wanted me to tell you that lunch is in twenty minutes, but now it’d be more like fifteen.”

Lewis nodded.

“Alright. Thanks.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

“Lewis come on!” Jamie pleaded.

“Yeah Lewis! Pleasssseeee? It’ll be so much fun!” Fanny chimed in.

Lewis merely scowled, and crossed his arms over his chest. “No you guys! I don’t dance, and I really don’t feel like watching you two grind against each other all night!” At this, Wilbur snickered. Lewis turned his glare to the taller raven-haired teen. “And you! You just had to suggest going clubbing, didn’t you? Now Jamie and Fanny are never going to let up!”

Wilbur raised his hands as if surrendering. “Hey hey hey, I wouldn’t have suggested it if you hadn’t said you wanted to do something different for a change! Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? Come on Lewis!” Lewis glared harder at Wilbur, and Wilbur had a hard time not laughing, because Lewis just looked so… so…

“Fine.” Lewis relented. “But I’m not dancing.”


Wilbur’s grin faltered at the thought, suppressing the urge to whack his head hard enough to kill the brain cells daring enough to think something like that. It had been two months since Wilbur had time traveled, and he was regretting that he ever had to go back. It was odd… Teenage Franny wasn’t incredibly different from older Franny… yet she was. She didn’t fake happiness like his mom did. This Franny seemed so thrilled and excited with life. His biological dad, Jamie was also amazing. He was a great guy, and had become one of Wilbur’s close friends immediately. It was easy to see where he got his mischievous nature now, for Jamie seemed to be exactly like him, physically and personality wise. As for Lewis… Wilbur’s gaze shifted to the blond, still grumbling under his breath, and felt his grin soften into something… tenderer.

“Well get to it kid. We leave in an hour!” Jamie announced, ripping Wilbur out of his thoughts.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

One hour and one very disgruntled Lewis later, the group climbed into Jamie’s four-seat convertible and were off. It took fifty minutes to get to the nearest club, so they were in for a long drive.

Jamie had driven Fanny home so she could change quickly, and Wilbur was slightly disturbed by how… teen-ish his mom looked. Franny wore a glittery black spaghetti strap tank top, with a black skirt and leggings. Her black hair was gently curled around her face, giving her a youthful appearance that Wilbur had never seen on his mom.

Jamie was decked out in black pants and black shirt, simple, yet still suave. Wilbur himself had donned a black short sleeve shirt, complete with jeans and his normal wristbands.

Lewis however, was the most surprising one of the group. The blond was wearing a light blue crisp quarter length dress shirt, which was complimented by the casual pair of jeans he had chosen. The shirt seemed to make his eyes glow brighter then Wilbur had ever seen, and his breath seemed to catch every time Lewis turned to look him in the eye. It was getting quite irritating, actually.

The car ride there was fairly silent. Wilbur had taken to staring at Lewis, who in turn was staring out his window. What Wilbur was feeling… it wasn’t right. He had to stop this while he still could…

‘But,’ the little voice in his head pointed out. ‘Do you really want to?’

Wilbur sighed, depressed. He would just… have to keep ignoring it, and pray it would go away on its own accord.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

“Lewis, that’s the fifth girl you’ve turned down to dance with! Now, I know you don’t dance, but the next time a girl asks, you will say yes!” Franny insisted at a completely out of place Lewis. “Even Wilbur has been dancing!” Wilbur refrained from pointing out that the only girl he had danced with was in fact, Franny herself, and it had been over an hour before.

“Franny, please, I really don’t want to.” Lewis replied, suddenly incredibly pale. “I can’t dance!”

“Nonsense Lewis. Of course you can.” She admonished.

Lewis turned weakly to Jamie. “Help me out here buddy.”

Jamie smiled sympathetically. “Sorry pal- I’ve been holding her off for the past three hours- it’s time to face the music.” The fast paced song that had been playing suddenly shifted to a much slower ballad. In the crowd, a lovely redhead was making her way to their table, eyes fixed firmly on Lewis. Wilbur felt himself begin to glare at her. It was surprising how many girls had approached Lewis… He didn’t seem like the type to normally get attention from girls… It had to be his eyes. Those damned gorgeous blue eyes that were so innocent and clear… Wilbur clenched his drink tightly in his hand. He too had been approached by numerous girls, but hadn’t danced any of them, not wanting to ditch Lewis in the crowded club.

He was so swept up in his musings that he failed to realize that the redhead was now in front of their table, smirking at Lewis.

“Hey,” she breathed. “wanna dance?” Lewis opened his mouth to reply, no doubt ready to politely decline, when Franny cut in.

“He would love to. Go on Lewis!” She said smiling mischievously at him. Lewis looked like he felt ill as the girl dragged him on the floor and plastered herself against him. Wilbur turned his glare at the girl and redirected it at Franny. He had never really felt so incredibly annoyed at his mother. Had she seen that girl? Yes, she was gorgeous, but definitely Lewis’s type! The redhead was wearing a tight red tank top, accompanied by black leather pants. She most certainly was not what Lewis needed. No… Lewis needed someone funny, and adventurous. Someone to make him ease up when he was being too serious. Lewis needed… someone like him.

Wilbur shivered at the thought, and turned to stare at the couple on the dance floor. Lewis was awkwardly holding the redhead, shifting weight from foot to foot as was required during a slow song. Wilbur watched him with a fond smile, which faded when the red head slowly began moving her face closer to the blonds, no doubt intending to kiss him. Lewis seemed to realize this, for he subtly ducked his head away, blushing madly. The girl looked put off, but also amused.

The slow song ended, and the girl dragged Lewis to the bar, where she took his hand and wrote something on it.

Wilbur clenched his fists tightly as she playfully pulled her close to him, and whispered something in his ear. The blond (who looked thoroughly red) began walking back to their table. Sitting down, the boy groaned.

“Never again Franny.” He growled.

Franny merely smiled innocently at her. “Was it really that bad? She seemed nice, and she was certainly pretty enough! Plus, she gave you her number! Do you think you’ll call her?”

Lewis shook his head wildly. “Absolutely not. I think she was a little… wild for my tastes.”

Franny sighed. “Honestly Lewis, someday you’ll find someone who will knock your socks off, and they had better be able to bring you out of your shell somehow!”

Wilbur’s gaze remained fixated on his drink.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

They left shortly after redhead girl made her move on Lewis. Jamie, who had been drinking, asked Lewis if him or Wilbur would drive home, before tossing them the keys and collapsing in the back seat, instantly asleep. Franny wasn’t much better- she crawled into the seat beside her boyfriend, snuggled against him, and quickly fell asleep.

Lewis watched the pair in amusement, before turning to Wilbur. “So do you wanna drive, or should I?” Wilbur smiled warmly at the boy.

“I would say I would be more than willing to, but I have no idea how to get back to your house.” He grinned charmingly. Lewis merely snorted.

”Get in then. You better stay awake and keep me company though!” Lewis ordered. Wilbur laughed lightly.

“You got it kid.”

“I am not a kid Wilbur. In fact, I’m two months older then you! So hah!

‘Actually, your more like eighteen years older than me…’

The sick feeling returned immediately. He smiled weakly at Lewis.

”You’re absolutely right.”

So, they began driving. Wilbur found a certain question that he was desperate to have Lewis answered… but he didn’t want to ask.

”So. That girl.” Wilbur began, throat dry.

Lewis immediately blushed. “That was embarrassing. I knew she wasn’t my type, but nooo. I just had to dance with her.” He shot an annoyed, yet fond gaze at Fanny through the rearview window. “I know she just wants me to find someone and be happy… but that girl wasn’t for me. None of them were.”

Wilber was proud when he managed to keep his voice from cracking. “Oh yeah?”

Lewis nodded, biting his lip. “Sometimes I worry I’m never going to find anyone. I just… I’m to weird. The only girls that like me are the kinds that just want to have a shy boy for the night then dump them. Sometimes, I just… I think there’s something wrong with me.”


“Huh?” Lewis asked, looking curiously at his friend who was staring at him intently.

“No. There’s nothing wrong with you Lewis… You’re a great guy. The right person will realize how amazing you are, and it’ll just… it’ll click. You’ll find them eventually.” Wilbur said softly, turning to look out the window before Lewis could translate the longing in his eyes.

“Thank you Wilbur… that really does mean a lot to me.” Lewis replied in an equally soft voice. Wilbur nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt one of Lewis’s hands rest on top of his own and squeeze it sweetly.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

“I really can’t! I feel horrible about having stayed here for this long, and taking up space. I just wouldn’t feel right about staying when I have my own money, and I need to get out of your family’s hair.” Wilbur explained to the three Robinsons sitting on the coach in front of him.

“Now that is just nonsense Wilbur! We don’t want you to leave! You’re not a burden, or forcing us into taking care of you- we want you to have a home here!” Was the indignant reply from Lucille Robinson, who was somehow scowling at him with both irritation and fondness.

It had been over two months since Wilbur had come to stay with the Robinsons. Two months since he was reunited with his best friend. Two months since… since certain feelings had started redeveloping for said best friend.

It started out innocently enough… he simply began treasuring the midnight talks the pair would have, or the endless days of the two of them goofing off. Slowly it changed. He began imagining how soft Lewis’s hair would be if he would just touch it, or what it would feel like to wrap his arms around Lewis’s waist and sweetly kiss his neck. It couldn’t be helped. He had a crush on Lewis Robinson, and he needed to get away from it. Granted, he would still see Lewis practically every day, but it would be better then living here, seeing him every moment yet unable to do anything about it.

“Bud, Lucille, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but I just don’t feel right about living here without paying for rent or-“ Right then, Wilbur knew that he had made a grave mistake. Lucille’s eyes brightened immediately, and she grinned widely.

“Well if that’s all, problem solved! Just start paying us rent, and we’ll call it square, okay?” Lucille chirped.

“What? I- no! That’s not what I meant! I-“ Wilbur was cut off mid argument by Lucille.

“Now you listen here! You’ve never imposed on us, or made us feel burdened! If you must pay rent in order to have a clear conscience, then fine- but you are not leaving this house simply to get an apartment out of guilt. Got it? Good. Dinner is at seven boys! Come on Bud.” With that, Wilbur’s grandparents stood up and left the room, leaving Lewis staring at him in amusement.

“What?” Wilbur snarled at him.

Lewis’s eyes widened, and he held up his hands as if to surrender. “Woah there. What’d I do?”

‘You’re making me go crazy, that’s what you’re doing.’

“Nothing.” Wilbur replied shortly, standing up and walking swiftly to his room. He heard Lewis give a huff before standing up to follow after him.

“Why do you have to be such a jerk? I would think you’d be happy that my parents like you enough to want you to stay! So why are you being a jer-” Lewis paused. “Is it me?”

Wilbur froze. “Sorry?”

“I asked if it was me. Is it me that’s making you want to… to leave?”

Wilbur remained silent; not daring to look at Lewis, for fear the boy would be able to read the longing in his eyes, or that he’d see that look of utter betrayal on Lewis’s face, just like so long ago when Lewis had found out Wilbur had lied so many years ago…

“Oh… well… alright then. I didn’t realize… I’m sorry. I’ll leave you alone.” Wilbur exhaled sharply at the depressed tone Lewis’s voice took on, so different from his normal joyful voice.

“Lewis wait-” Wilbur turned to talk to his friend, hoping he hadn’t screwed up to badly. But Lewis was gone. Wilbur sighed and went into his room.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

“Well… I suppose that Cornelius won’t be coming to dinner then.” Lucille commented, a look of pure concern crossing her face. “Maybe I should go check on him-“

”Lucille, he has his ‘Do not disturb’ sign up. You know that when he has it up, it means we are not to enter under any certain terms.” Bud reasoned with his wife.

“But it’s never up! He’s never cared if we come in and watch him work, so why now? Oh, what if he got hurt up there! I’m going to go check!” Lucille stood up and made it to the doorway, when Bud intercepted her.

“Lucille, sit down darling. Cornelius is okay. Whatever’s going on, we’ll just give him time, okay?” Bud hugged Lucille, and led her back to her chair. Wilbur watched on, his stomach sinking lower and lower with each passing second.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Wilbur slowly slipped into Lewis’s laboratory, careful to ignore the “Do not disturb” sign. Walking in, he noticed that Lewis was not anywhere in his lab, his eyes shifted to the spiral staircase, and he slowly made his way towards it. Climbing the stairs, he walked with extra stealth so he wouldn’t alert Lewis of his presence… Not yet anyway. Once at the bookcase, he paused, took a deep breath, and pushed on the bookcase frame, to reveal the door behind it.

Closing the bookcase behind him, he froze at the rooms’ entrance, immediately finding what he had come for. Lewis was sprawled on top of the air mattress he had brought up months ago, and was staring straight above at the stars.

“Can’t you read?” The blonds’ flat voice made Wilbur wince.


“What?” The pure venom in his voice made Wilbur want to cry desperately.

“I… I’m so sorry.”

“What do you want Wilbur?” Lewis demanded as if he hadn’t heard Wilbur’s apology.

“I want you to listen to me!”

”Well to bad.”

“Lewis, please… I just… please? Two minutes, then I’ll leave, okay?”

“Fine.” Lewis replied, glaring stonily at the ceiling.

Wilbur wished his heart would stop thumping so painfully... “Okay… I know you’re pissed off at me, and you have every right to be… but I swear that earlier was a mistake!” Lewis snorted in disbelief. “Lewis… you are my best friend. I love living with you…” Wilbur took in a sharp breath. “And therein lies the problem.”

Lewis sat up and stared at him in confusion. “Huh?”

“Lewis, I…” Wilbur licked his lips. “I have a confession to make.” Wilbur began walking slowly toward the air mattress where Lewis was sitting. When he finally reached the air mattress, he sat down next to the blond and turned to face him. He was certain the blond could see the fear in eyes, and if not, he would certainly notice that Wilbur was trembling fiercely. “Lewis… I…”

Wilbur glanced down weakly.

“Wilbur?” The voice squeaked, and Wilbur looked up into the speakers’ eyes… those beautiful fucking blue eyes.

‘What the hell. Actions speak louder than words.’ Wilbur thought with a weak smirk, a pale shadow of his usual self.

Leaning in, he pressed his lips sweetly against Lewis’s own. He left their lips pressed together for a few seconds before pulling away to gaze fearfully at Lewis. Beautiful Lewis who was pale, and looked like he was going through hell trying to find the right thing to say.

“Wilbur… I…” Lewis began weakly, but Wilbur was frozen. The realization of what he just did sank in. He kissed Lewis. He kissed his father. Maybe he wasn’t his father yet, and for that matter, he wasn’t his biological father anyway, but oh God. How sick could he be?

‘Wrong… this is so wrong.’

Wilbur stood up hastily, complexion taking on a chalky white.

“I… I’m sorry.” He whispered to the small blond, who looked about ready to cry, before shoving his way out of the room, running down the stairs, and running to his room. Once there, he collapsed on the bed, tears streaming down his face.

‘I’m so sorry…’

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Lewis didn’t come out of his room for the next week, much to the dismay of his panicked parents, who had never experienced such behavior with their brilliant son. Wilbur felt his insides being torn apart by guilt. What had he done? He had hurt Lewis… his best friend. Two days after the kiss, Wilbur found himself standing in front of Lewis’s door, hand poised and ready to knock, yet unable to bring himself to do so. After an hour of standing there, he finally gave up, and went back to his room to release his frustrations by punching his pillow.

Bud and Lucille tried everything to coax Lewis out of his room. From banging on the door near tears, to threatening grounding forever, nothing worked. They respected him too much to try and force their way in when he was obviously going through something. Wilbur didn’t share this view, and found himself standing in front of Lewis’s door two nights later. Taking a deep breath, he groped for the doorknob, and once found, turned and pushed. Well, tried to. Lewis had installed some sort of lock on his door during the past few days. Since he had a bathroom in his room, he never seemed to leave to shower or use the facilities.

As for food, Wilbur didn’t know what he was doing. The dishes of food Lucille and Bud left in front of his door were always cold and stale by the next morning, untouched… which meant he had to be sneaking down to the kitchen at night for food, right? And, as much as he wanted to, Wilbur couldn’t bring himself to try and catch the blond. He was a coward, unable to face the boy who meant the world to him. Pleas from his parents were ignored; worried phone calls from Franny or Jamie were left unanswered…

Wilbur sighed. It had been a week exactly since the kiss, and Wilbur found himself in front of Lewis’s door for what seemed like the thousandth time. Since that night, he had been unable to get any sleep, and he looked like hell. Dark circles had developed under his eyes, and his hair tousled so it was almost unrecognizable. It was time to talk about this. Hesitantly, he knocked on the door. Waiting a few minutes, he began talking.

“Hey Lewis… um… I don’t know if you’re listening but… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you… it was a mistake-”


“I don’t know what came over me. And it’ll never happen again.”


“I miss my best friend. Please… please can you just pretend this never happened? I don’t want you hurting. I know I don’t deserve it, but please forgive me?”


“I’m so sorry.”

‘I love you…’

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

The next morning, Wilbur woke from an uneasy sleep to the smell of pancakes. Showering and dressing quickly, he made his way to the kitchen.

“Ah Wilbur! Just in time for breakfast!” Lucille greeted cheerfully. “Look who finally came out of his room!” Wilbur’s head shot up to the table to see Lewis sitting at the table, staring at his pancakes.

“You had us all worried kiddo!” Bud told the blond, reaching his hand over to ruffle Lewis’s hair.

“Sorry.” Lewis murmured. “I made a breakthrough on an invention I’ve been working on for a long time, and I just needed solitude.” Wilbur saw right through the lie, but Bud and Lucille simply chuckled.

”That’s our Cornelius. Always working hard!” Bud declared, snagging the bottle of syrup.

Wilbur was staring at Lewis intently, so when the blond met his gaze for a split second before lowering it again, Wilbur’s heart seemed to explode in his chest. Conversation kept going, but Wilbur was still unable to take his mind off the look of sheer pain in Lewis’s eyes when their gazes had met.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

“Lewis!” Wilbur cried, racing after the blond after breakfast. “Lewis WAIT!” The boy stopped, turning around to face the raven-haired boy, face mercifully blank,

“Hey Wilbur. What’s up?” Lewis replied coolly.

“I… uh… I’m glad you’re out of your room.” Wilbur blurted, immediately flushing red. “I mean um… are we okay?”

“What do you mean Wilbur?” Lewis inquired, voice tone still ice cold.

“I mean… um… the kiss. Are you mad at me?” Lewis snorted.

“If you really think that you kissing me had any effect on me, you need a serious ego check.” Lewis stated calmly, leaving Wilbur to stare at him open-mouthed.

“I… I uh… I don’t understand.” Wilbur finally managed to mutter.

Lewis gave a patronizing sigh. “Alright, well then let me make this clear to you. The kiss meant nothing to me. I don’t like you or have feelings for you, and I haven’t been pining over you, okay? I was in my room for a week because I was inventing, not moping over some egotistical jerk.” Wilbur reeled back as if slapped; face pale, close to crying.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me. I need to get back to work.” With that, Lewis strolled calmly to his room, leaving Wilbur staring after him, heart horribly mangled.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Another week passed. While Lewis freely wondered about the house again, he also completely ignored Wilbur. At dinner, it was as if Wilbur was invisible the way Lewis perfected talking to his parents while completely excluding Wilbur. Yet somehow, Lucille and Bud remained completely oblivious. Perhaps they were simply relieved that Lewis wasn’t holed up in his room anymore.

Yes, Lewis Robinson seemed perfectly fine without Wilbur in his life. Wilbur however was completely miserable. He didn’t know how his mom expected him to stick around through this… but of course, she couldn’t of known the relationship they had. She would just have to realize that he couldn’t have stayed longer… even if she wanted him to stay for the year. So, he packed his bags one morning when Bud and Lucille were out grocery shopping, and got ready to leave. All that remained of him was the note he left on his bed in the room he had been staying. It simply said:

“Thank you for your generosity in letting me live here.

I could not have found a more welcoming, sweet family, but I really do think I’ve overstayed my welcome.

Thank you so much,

Wilbur Peterson

Sighing sadly, he placed the note on his bed. He had chosen to use a fake last name quite a long time ago out of common sense, and now he signed it for a final time. Slowly, he made his way out of the house, bag dangling on his shoulder. One he was a fair distance away, he stopped and turned to stare back at the house. His eyes were glued to Lewis’s laboratory. As he stared through the window, he swore he saw a shadow flicker across the window, but he couldn’t be sure.

Shaking his head, he began his long walk. As it turned out, the Robinsons house was only two miles or so from his hiding place for the time machine, which was rather convenient for his purposes. A mile into his walk, it started pouring rain. Wilbur simply continued walking slowly, allowing the rain to caress his face.

“WILBUR!” Came the yell from behind him Wilbur turned surprised, to see a drenched Lewis running towards him. Wilbur froze, as Lewis came closer, and closer and…

”What is this?” Lewis demanded, waving Wilbur’s letter in the air. He looked so… beautiful. He was angry, and trembling, and the rain was just rolling off of him…

“It’s a goodbye letter.” Wilbur replied, unable to continue looking at Lewis.

“I know that idiot, what I want to know, is why you’re saying goodbye! Why are you leaving? After all my parents have done for you, you’re just walking out without even having the decency to tell us you were leaving face to face!” The blond demanded. Wilbur’s gaze immediately flew to Lewis.

“Why do you care Lewis? You don’t feel anything for me, remember?” Wilbur spat, two weeks of emotions boiling over.

Lewis glared. “You’re a coward.”

Wilbur did a double take. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me! You’re a COWARD!”

“And what gives you any right to decide that I’m a coward Lewis?” Wilbur growled.

“You can’t just kiss me, then run away and say it was a mistake! Do I not get any say in it? You didn’t even wait to see how I felt before running away! You’re a coward!” Lewis yelled at the raven-haired boy, taking a heated step forward.

“Why does it matter? Even if I had stayed, you would’ve rejected me! You’ve made it perfectly clear that you don’t like me like that!” Wilbur shouted back, taking a step forward so he was in Lewis’s face.

“I ONLY SAID THAT BECAUSE I WANTED TO HURT YOU HOW YOU HURT ME! YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT!” Lewis shrieked, before grabbing a handful of Wilbur’s t-shirt on both sides, and yanked him forward into passionate kiss.

For a split second, Wilbur remained perfectly frozen. This couldn’t… this wasn’t real. But Lewis’s lips were warm, and he was pressed up against Wilbur and…Wilbur moaned into the kiss, pulling Lewis closer. Unlike their first kiss, this kiss was filled with passion, and heated emotions, which had been kept tightly sealed for quite some time.

A bolt of lightning and the loud crash of thunder caused them to bolt apart, and survey each other cautiously.

After several minutes, Lewis outstretched his hand to Wilbur.

“Let’s go home.” He said quietly, eyes fixated on Wilbur.

Wilbur stood frozen for a split second. He knew Lewis ended up with Franny. So did he take the hand and just enjoy the time they had together, or did he spare the blond and himself the pain of splitting? Lewis opened his mouth to decline, but the words died on his tongue. Lewis was looking at him with fear, and uncertainty, and… love? They were both in to deep now. Even if he ended it, Lewis would be just as hurt as if they actually had a relationship and had to end it.

Smiling timidly at Lewis, Wilbur placed his own hand in the blonds, and tightened his grasp. There was no turning back.

Slowly, the pair of teens began trudging through the mud and rain back to the Robinson house.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Once back at the house, they separated briefly to change clothes so as not to become ill. After they did this, they walked slowly, hand in hand to Lewis’s laboratory, into the hidden room.

“I’m kinda tired.” Lewis said timidly, sparing a nervous glance at the other teen.

“Oh… okay. Do you want me to uh… leave?” Wilbur asked, still clutching the older boys hand.

“No.” Lewis blurted, before blushing. “No… I’d rather you stay and um…” He trailed off, flushing a vibrant red. Wilbur smirked knowingly.

“Already trying to get me in bed, eh?” He teased. Lewis made a small squeaking noise.

“What!? No! I just… NO!” Lewis panicked. Pulling the boy closer with a smile on his face, Wilbur silenced him with a kiss. After they broke away, Wilbur gently pulled the blond over to the mattress covered in blankets, and gently tugged him down on the bed.

“I’m kind of tired too.” Wilbur said quietly, eyes watching Lewis intently. Lewis smiled, relieved. Wilbur lay down, and then patted the bed beside him to Lewis, who was still sitting up. Smiling, the blond curled into Wilbur, sighing contentedly when Wilbur placed a soft, sweet kiss on his lips.

“I like this.” The blond murmured sleepily, before drifting off. Wilbur smiled softly, happy to watch the rise and fall of Lewis’s chest.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Part three.

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