so let me tell you about my life right now hehe
well... things are okay. school was good last term i did pretty well i think. 1 A, 2 A-, and 1 B+. not bad not bad.
i went on my first date. it sucked. the guy was an A-HOLE. ah well. its okay.
i'm done with guys for the moment. not just cause of this assbag, but i've figured that all guys in high school are immature and not ready for dating. thats final.
i cant wait to go skiing/snowboarding this year. i am most def gonna get better at boarding. im pumped :-)
i want christmas to come. i want my ipod. now. im so selfish :-\
today i have field hockey at 5 at the hampton indoor soccer/FH fields. you should come if you are bored.
im obsessed with myspace. visit mine. :-)
thanksgiving is in a week and 4 days.
my birthday is in a month minus 5 days.
christmas is in a month and 12 days.
i graduate in approx a year and 7 months.
my dog is HUGE and just got a haircut and looks exactly like my old dog. its scary.
i hope that you know a little bit about me now then you did before.
-Victoria xoxo