Challenge 29

Jun 16, 2010 23:00

CHALLENGE 29 :: Bee Sides

Hello all. I must say that when this community first rekindled I was very excited. There is almost nothing I love more than Tori-inspired photoshop work. Or Tori artwork in general. Lately the community has fallen a little dead and silent. I want this community to be active and fun. So please, if there's any suggestions you want to make on how to make the community more interactive and effective, don't hesitate to tell me.

Challenge will run from the day of post until June 30th @ 7p EST

Afterwards voting will begin.

Image Challenge : The Bee's Knees

[x] Each member may enter 2 submissions. The works are to feature a theme/image involving bees and one of Tori, together.

1] Dimensions: 600 x 400 pixels
2] Images: minimum of 2 images // maximum of 6
( 1 of Tori, 1 of bee)// (3 of Tori, 3 of bee)
3] Text: artist's choice (i.e. not required) Non-lyrical.
IF you choose to use words all words must be visible!
4] Attach the URL
5] Submissions must be in *.jpg - .gif - .png* format only!
6] No previously released works please.

Lyrics Challenge: Favorite B-Side

[x] Each member may enter 2 submissions. Choose your favorite B-Side song and represent it using images, either Tori related or non-Tori related. The choice is yours.

1] Dimensions: 600 x 400 pixels
2] Images: minimum of 1 image // maximum of 4
3] Text: You may use either the song title or any part of the song. Minimum of 5 words.
The portion you use MUST be visible
4] Attach the URL
5] Submissions must be in *.jpg - .gif - .png* format only!
6] No previously released works please..

You may enter either part of the challenge - meaning you don't have to complete both parts to enter. I just wanted to give members MORE submission options.

Questions // Comments // Concerns
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