Title: Roses
Writer: Everlind
Wordcount: 2860
Characters: Shishido, Ohtori
Pairing: Silver Pair
Rating: Very, very NC-17
Warnings: pure smut, PWP
Summary: Seduction at its finest.
Disclaimer: The Prince of Tennis belongs to Konomi Takeshi. This story is based on characters and the universe of The Prince of Tennis, no money is being made from it.
Author's Notes: Okay, so I badly wanted to have Pygmalion done for Choutarou's birthday.. but I just didn't make it. The story is too damn long and I have too damn little time. Seeing as Choutarou's basically sexually frustrated and confused all over the place in that verse, I decided to let him have some nice, uncomplicated sex with the object of his desires… That and I just wanted to write wall!sex, okay?
Many thanks to
nerdish (as always for holding my hand and alphaing) and
amyused (for betaing and alphaing and doing an awesome job ♥ ).