Challenge #144: Halloween

Oct 17, 2011 12:12

This is like every other Halloween round we have had here at tori_icontest in the past. For the newer members, the rules are simple.

- You may use any images from any era you desire.
- You may also use any lyrics you feel are appropriate. However, they MUST be centered around the Halloween theme.

Examples from the last Halloween challenge: HERE

Additional Rules:

• No animations please.
• Each member may submit a maximum of 2 icons.
• For an icon that is lyric-based, you are required to use at least 3 words from the song you are choosing.
• Any images from any era may be used.
• Each icon is 100x100 maximum and no larger than 40 KB.
• Please supply both URLs and IMG SRC in the entry.
• The closing date is Thursday, October 27th at 11:59pm CST.
• Voting will be begin on Friday, October 28th and will close Sunday, October 30th.
• Do not submit any icons that have already been made.
• Do not share your icons until voting is over.
• Questions? This post will be screened.

** Note: I am going to try and get the tallied winners posted by Christmas. The winners will receive their LJ coupons, as usual! **

new round

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