Challenge Suggestions

Feb 08, 2008 18:28

First of all, welcome to everyone! Within just 2 days of creating this community we already have 16 members and 11 of you signed up, I am very happy with that! I am going to wait about a week to let some more people signed up before we begin Challenge 01.

A few reminders about this unique community -
  • You can sign up and enter at any time during Round 01.
    ~However, if you sign-up before Challenge 01 begins you will receive an extra 05 points.
  • You do not have to enter in every challenge, no skips are required for this challenge, simply enter in the challenges you would like to enter in.
    ~The benefit of course of entering more challenges is more points for you.
  • Promoting will earn you 02 points.
    ~I'm really hoping more of you will do some promoting, not only will it help your point score but it will also get the word out about this community which will only make it more fun.


Now, my real reason for posting, I want to get some good feedback from all of you, right now I am trying to work out ideas for all of the challenges, there are going to be 20 challenges. Because there are a bit more incentives to the winners of the Round I am making it so long so more people will have a good opportunity to win if you try hard enough.

So what I am asking for you guys is challenge ideas;

~Challenges will consist of single images, multiple images, lyric challenges, pre-cropped challenges, your choice challenges among others.

~Special Categories are optional icon qualifications. You do not have to include the special category in your icon, there will be 2 parts of the voting, one for the regular challenge and one for the special category. If you win 1st place in the special category voting you will receive 03 points.

What I am wanting from you guys is to give me some suggestions as to what kind of challenges (picture suggestions, lyric suggestions, qualification suggestions) you would like to see.

Also, I am in desperate need of Special Categories ideas. A few ideas I have include a color, best crop, tiny text, a phrase (ex."Tori Amos"), best use of a border, etc.

Any suggestions you have please comment here!


challenge, r01, suggestion

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