Feb 25, 2005 11:46
Hey you, alot has happened in the last few weeks I hadn't talked to mitch for like ever until the other night. My best friend from Alabama came to visit it me and I got to see her adorable nephew for the 1st time and he is gorgeous just like his mom so I'm glad the green fam is happy and in good health with the exception of Papa Green, who my thoughts and prayers go out to and maybe with enough he can beat it he has the most amazing band of people fighting with him and it will pay off,I'm sorry shelbs no one deserves to go through that least of all you,I love you so much . On a diff subject ,,Yay* ONE OF MY GREATEST FRIENDS EVER is moving right next door to me,....YAY! Newayz I know I haven't updated in like forever but I baby-sit now almost all the time,but I'm saving money for BAM(which is what I call it...and everything else as a matter of fact)well I got a new HIM cd and CKY4 it's really good it's definately the the 2nd best and I have three.It's Ryans birthday this weekend so happy B-day to him and HI Ashley,I HOPE YOU LIKE WHERE YOU ARE AND CONGRATS ON TURNING 16
Love ya ,