Aug 18, 2010 14:51


omg okay so. uhm i went to glam nation on monday in new hampshire and it was awesome YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. it was my first concert so i was all adhflahfaldsh and whatever and it was amazing. adam is flawless but you all know that and so i will get to the good stuff.


yeah. i knew that he might sign after the show, so i went outside with my brother and we just kinda stood in front of caution tape for like 40 minutes. and then we heard screams from across the way, and there was like 100 or so people freaking out. and we asked the security guy if adam was over there, and he said that he was, so we all were like oh holy shit. and the guy said not to worry because adam would definitely see us and come over.

and so we waited like ten more minutes, and then i saw two big dudes come out from the left side of the buses, and they had another guy behind them just a little bit, and i couldn't see worth shit because it was so dark, but i saw glitter on his hair, and i was like officially freaking because it was actually adam. and then he stepped out to where it was lighter, and just alhfadhf ADAM.

he started signing at the left side, and i was on the right, so i got to just kind of watch him for a bit and try not to make embarrassing squeeing noises, lol. he kept getting closer and people were like screaming in his face and hugging him, which was really quite awkward because he was like "oh...okay." lmao. it made me feel bad because you could tell it made him uncomfortable but he was just so nice about it. *sigh* and then this little kid was like "SAY CHEESE" and adam was like "...what? OH! cheeeese!" and omg i like died right there.

and then he was like right next to me so i was like ooookay you need to not flail at him. and when he got to me, i just stuck my cd out and he held onto it and signed it and i just...stared at his hands. lmao. i looked up when he was done and he was just STARING AT ME. and i was like oh fuck oh fuck. i thought maybe he had said something to me, and i hadn't heard him, but he didn't so i was like "....THANK YOU ADAM!" and i ran away. lolol. i have no idea if he said you're welcome or anything because i ran away. my brother was like "what are you doing?! go back there." so i went back and and just watched him sign for a minute and then he walked away and we all yelled bye to him and he waved and just walked away~

and then i like ran to the car and i was like screaming at my mother and showing her my autograph and i like couldn't even breathe. idk. i felt ridiculous lol, but it's like... you make fun of people for freaking out about that stuff, but when it happens to you, you just can't control it. it was crazy. best night of my life ever.

TL;DR i met adam lambert. i stared at his hands. he stared at me. i yelled at him and ran away. my life is awesome.


(oh and there will be an actualfax recap later when i get my camera cord.)

stfu i'm not a glambert, flail, adam

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