One more reason why the UN will never fix a damned thing...

Aug 18, 2006 10:04

And this is also why France does NOT deserve a permanent seat on the UN. If you can't put up the troops to support the UN, you DO NOT deserve to have a permanent seat. And you just know that when the US ponies up the troops to make this whole damned mess work, France will join in the chorus of "America keeps acting like it is the world's police force.... whine whine". And that my friends is WHY we are the worlds police force! Cuz no one else has the balls to do the job! "Oh... we lost troops in that Beirut blast! We don't want to loose more Frenchies!" Yeah... and how many American troops died in the Marine barracks that got blown up? How many American died in Somalia versus Frenchies wuss-bags that died? How many in Bosnia? And of course don't remind the Frenchie wuss-bags that they sold weapons to those very same guys who killed their troops... they hate that. ;)

Stupid Frenchie wuss-bag cheese eating surrender monkeys.
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