Oct 12, 2003 13:14
First off, I'd like to say that this is only pertaining to Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube. Secondly, these are only my opinions and that it is better to have your own opinions about a game. If you always follow others opinions on games then you must own a lot of crappy games and are a tool of Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft.
Anyway, Ace Combat 4 is one of the best games for PS2. I've yet to play a better console game. Ace Combat 4 is part the fourth edition of the Ace Combat series...but if you didn't figure that out by now, you are not qualified to us a computer or handle anything sharper than a quarter....
Surprisingly, though, the game started out under the title Air Combat for PS1, then it jumped to Ace Combat 2 for no reason at all. But, it still played like the first, only with better graphics and a better storyline.
Ace Combat 4 is an arcade style flight sim. This means that you have an abundance of missiles and you can do crazy stunts with almost any plane.
I like these kinds of games better because I don't like only having a few missiles of have to study about physics of avianics just to keep my plane from stalling out into a mountain. I already graduated, spending 8 hours to learn how to perform a barrel-roll is not something I want to do.
In conclusion, I really like Ace Combat 4 and feel that is the best game for PS2 as of 10/12/2003. Nothing better has come out yet but who knows what the future may hold.