Oct 12, 2004 14:27
I just beat the game Second Sight for Xbox. Its a total rip-off of Psi-Ops but thats not the point. You wake up in some medical expirement facility with these psychic powers and, therefore, must escape. All the while you have these flashbacks to when you were called to be in a special team to stop a crazy old man doing pyschic expirements in Syberia. But, you still have all your powers, even tho you don't know that you do, and nobody finds it odd that you can pick things up with your mind or turn yourself invisible.
A part they show in commercials and ads is when you sneak up and grab someone. In Die Hard: Vendetta, when you grab a leader the rest of the guys will put their guns down and surrender. Quite the contrary here, if people see yu pulling around a guy, they will follow you until you turn slighty , in which case, they attack you, or you release him. The point is, you cannot escape. You are given 2 options when you grab someone: throw, or knock out.
Since i didnt wanna hurt the scientist and i didnt want him to get up and raise the alarm, i decided to knock him out. Pushig your elbow into their back and twisting their neck until you hear a snap is a funny way of non-lethal takedowns.
Turns out that your "trip" in Syberia, that happened 6 months ago, is actually the present and you have the ability to see the future. So, waking up in the hospital was an alternate future that could have happened but didnt. All this time you have been having flashbacks to the present from the future that didnt really happen.
Confused? So was i and really pissed because i just wasted several hours off my life trying to stop something from happening that didnt ever happen
End of Spoiler
Overall, i give this game a 4, so-so graphics, pretty crappy storyline, and somewhat addictve gameplay. Definitley a renter or , at best, bargain bin title.